Chapter 14

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If u didn't know I try and do 24 days of MYS every year and so ur gonna get a chapter everyday up until the 24th of December, I hope u all and enjoy.

Cristiano's POV:
It's the first day of December today and it's a cold morning. I got out of bed and got dressed for the day, I still don't have a gift for Tay but I have the rest of my shopping done so I am gonna go out and get one for her.

"Hey, are u busy today " I said into the phone.

"No why" Gareth asked.

"Can u come with me to pick out a gift for Tay, I am striking out on gift ideas this year" I said starting the car.

"Ya sure, do u want to meet somewhere" he asked.

"I am in the car now so I can pick u up" I said turning on the radio it was kinda loud so I turned it down, he laughed a little when I turned it down.

"Alright I'll see u then" he said, we said our goodbyes and ended the phone call.

I drove to Gareth's which wasn't that far from our place, when I got there I checked my phone to see if there was any messages from Tay to say she was awake but there wasn't. Gareth came out and got into my car and I started to drive.

"I am happy u called I haven't gotten anything for my girlfriend yet so I will get something while we are out" he said looking at me as he put his seatbelt on.

"Well we really gotta put our heads together to figure something out" I said smiling at him then looking at the road.

"How is Tay and the baby doing" he asked looking at me.

"They are doing good, Jackson is finally sleeping threw the night and he drank his first full bottle yesterday plus a little more from a second one" I told him

"Thats so good Antonella and Lana will soon be having babies too won't they" he asked.

"Ya Antonella is due anytime now" I said

"Just imagine if she had the baby on Christmas" Gareth said.

After Gareth getting the idea that Antonella could have the baby on Christmas it's all I was thinking about the whole way to the mall, what if lana had her baby on Christmas too. Taylor wouldn't be happy because she loves Christmas so much and that she thought it was meant to be that Jackson was suppose to be born on christmas. I pulled into a parking spot and got out, the mall was just opening so there was hardly any people here which was good and I wasn't really in the mood to get mobbed today.

We spent an hour looking around for gifts and we finally both found them, we left the mall just in time cuz it was starting to get crowded.

Once I got home after dropping Gareth off, I played with the kids and spent time with them and my wife, then made dinner, got the kids cleaned up and ready for bed. Tay took a shower and while she did that I put the kids to sleep for her so she could go right to bed.

Taylor's POV:
I was lying in bed on my phone when Cris walked in with two mugs in his hand.

"What do u got there" I asked looking at him as he went to his side of the bed.

"I have got hot chocolate for u and me" he said sitting down and passing me mine.

"Thank u" I said kissing him and took a sip of my drink.

"Babe u got a little whip cream on ur lip" Cris said and leaned in and kissed me to get it.

"So do u" I said and went to kiss him but he licked it off before I could get it, he laughed at the face I made when he did that. He then leaned in and kissed me again then we started to make out.

Cristiano's POV:
We ended up doing it, I swear it's Taylor and her Christmas happiness and I think it's starting to rub off on me.

"U know ur an amazing dad and husband to be honest I'm kinda happy I got u rather then anyone else" Tay said out of no where as we were lying next to each other.

"Im happy u got me too" I said and kissed her

We drank our hot chocolate and cuddled while watching tv then I started to get sleepy so we decided to go to sleep but of course I couldn't sleep.

So I got up and went and took a walk downstairs to the living room and looked at the tree. I remembered I didn't have Taylor's gift wrapped yet so I did that and went back to bed and eventually fell asleep.

I hope you all enjoy have a chapter every day for almost a month and I hope u have a wonderful holiday.

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