When a Woman

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Cristiano's POV:
Waking up this morning was awful, I have never ever slept in this late 3:04pm. The sheets where down almost to the point where they weren't covering me, I pulled them up to my belly button and looked over at taylor. She wasn't covered at all, I quickly put the sheets over her making her wake up.

"Good morning" I said looking at her, she blinking a lot and mumbled something. She rolled away from me then back to facing me again. "How are u feeling after last night" I asked. "Pretty good" she said. My phone buzzed, it was Gerard saying that Leo was coming. "Ur brother is coming" I said sitting up, taylor ran to the bathroom and started the shower I put mine and Taylor's clothes under the bed and put on pants real quick and fixed the bed sheets so it looked like nothing happened.

There was a knock on the door. "Ya come in" I said putting on my shirt as Leo came in. "It's about time u got up, where's taylor" he asked. "In the shower why" I asked looking at him. "Antonella wants her in my room" he said and looked around. "Ok I'll tell her" I said. "Gerard said u went a little wild on the alcohol last night" Leo said still looking around, probably to see if he can see anything. "Ya one to many that's all" I said leaning back on the dresser behind me. "Right" he said "ok I'll be downstairs" he said then walked out and closed the door.

Taylor's POV:
After the shower I put on booty shorts that I do admit were a size to small and a tank top, no bra. I blow dried my hair and straighten it so it covered my chest, my hair is almost to my belly button. I walked out of my room and went to see Antonella. Oddly enough she had on the the same but her hair was the normal beach waves.

Cristiano's POV:
After I showered and changed into my actual clothes and not what I had on last night I went downstairs and sat at the counter. "Morning sunshine" Gareth said looking at me. "Afternoon, I never sleep this late" I said looking at him. Antonella and Taylor came down stairs, I had to look at her twice to make sure of what she had on.

She bent over to get something in the fridge and I was watching her, I bit into the Apple I was eating and it was juicy so I slurped making Leo I guess think something else making him hit me on the back of the head. "That's my sister" he said I looked at him with juice on my lips "ew" he said and walked away. I heard Gerard giggle.

Taylor then came over to me and moved her hair away from her chest on one side making me look down then she kissed me and took the apple from me. "Thanks babe" she said and took a bite out of it then walked to the stairs and went up them to her room. "U got played" Gareth said next to me. "Shut up" I said.

Once everyone was up and ate, we decided to get ready for the concert. I had on jeans and a button up black shirt on, Taylor was wearing.

 I had on jeans and a button up black shirt on, Taylor was wearing

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I waited for her and took her hand as we walked out to the car. We are going back tonight after the concert. "U look amazing" I said looking at her then back at the road. "Thank u, ur not so bad yourself" she said smirking and looking at me.

Taylor's POV:
I was watching Shakira performing while Cris was behind me holding my hand. "This song goes out to my best friends they are great women but they have taken their men to hell and back" she said looking over at us. I looked up at her and smiled then looked at Lana who was looking at me. She started to sing When a Woman. Cris got closer and put his arms around my waist and was singing in my ear. I put my arms on his and put my head back on his chest.

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