Chapter 5

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Taylor's POV:
I was waiting and waiting for cris to come back which he did about an hour later.

"What took u so long and where is Lana" I asked looking at him when he came in.

"I called Lio, him and Antonella took her out to dinner" he said walking away from me.

"U called Lio, why did u do that" I asked and followed him.

"Taylor it's getting out of control she is lying to us, she is getting beaten, she is sleeping around and doing drugs" he said to hear him say those things out loud made it seem worse then what it seemed liked.

"Ya I know I should have told Lio about her doing drugs when I found out but he would have her in rehab and I don't think she is gonna need it since she is pregnant she can kick those habits" I said looking up at him as I stood in front of him.

"Maybe she will" he said putting his hands on my arms and leaned in and kissed me.

"I love u" I said putting my hands on his cheeks.

"I love u more" he said kissing me again but this time it was slower and more pashonet.

"Ok u are already pregnant u can't get pregnant while ur pregnant" my brother said as he walked into the house

We stoped and looked at them and let go of each other "right ya um how was dinner" I asked changing the subject.

"It was good, I'm going to take a shower" Lana said walking past me and I looked at Lio who was looking away from us.

"What happened" I asked when Lana went in her room.

"Nothing...." he said but Antonella cut him off.

"He is taking her to get a DNA test tomorrow" she said looking at me

I looked at Lio "this better be good" I said and walked upstairs.

Lio and Antonella are staying the night so Lio can take Lana tomorrow morning. So much for keeping this a secret, I soon fell asleep.

When I woke up I got dressed and went downstairs. Lio, Antonella, Lana and cris where sitting at the table it looked like they were waiting for something. Lana hand an envelope in front of her, I sat next to cris and waited for someone to say something.

Lana pushed the envelope towards me I looked up at Lio who didn't look to happy about what was in there. I opened it and started to read the paper.

"This is a joke right" I said looking at her.

"I don't know what to say" she said.

"Neymar out of all people Lana u had to sleep with Neymar" I said and got up "I honestly can't wait to see his face when u tell him ur having his baby" I added.

"What does it matter to u, u aren't with him anymore" Lana said

"I know how he is I dated him" I said and walked away.

"He has changed u know" she said and stood up.

"Tell him ur pregnant I dear u and see what he does" I told her.

"Like u would know" she said following me, I stopped when I heard what she said.

"Ya I do actually, I got pregnant with him that's why he went out drinking every night but I took care of that and left him after he did that because I knew he wasn't ready so I went to Lucas" I told her trying to hold myself together.

"Taylor" she said and went to put her hand out.

"Don't" I said and walked out of the house.

I got in my car and just started to drive somewhere I didn't know where I was going just driving, I pulled into a parking lot and just sat there and put my hands on my belly.

Cristiano's POV:
I looked up at Messi who was looking at me already.

"Did u know about this" he asked with a serious look on his face.

"Ya I knew a long time ago I thought u knew" I said

"No I didn't and I'm quiet mad about it that I didn't know" he said.

"Well I'm gonna try and get her to come back home" I said getting up from the table and walking to the living room and calling Taylor to try and get her to come back home. Everything about having Lana here is stressing me out plus Lio is here what's next her mom I honestly can't take this, I'm gonna be dad to child number five and there is so much going on with my career right now that I'm soon gonna explode and hopefully make some things go away.

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