Chapter 18

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Cristiano's POV:
I was lying in bed, thinking. I couldn't sleep, Taylor wasn't home from her meeting she had a few hours away. All of a sudden I got this idea of having a bubble bath, champagne, and chocolate covered strawberries ready for when Taylor gets home.

"I'm home...." Taylor said coming in the room I could tell she was taken back my the candles on the floor that went to the bathroom "babe" she said walking towards the bathroom.

"Ya" I said sitting on the side of the tub with just a towel around my waist.

"What is all this" she asked with a smile on her face when she came in, she was looking around at all the candles.

"I thought u deserved something nice when u came home" I said looking at her.

She didn't say anything she just started to walk towards me, she put her hands on my shoulders and stoped in front of me. She started to make out with me, I went up her legs with my hands, she was wearing a skirt with a slit in the side. I got to the zipper and unzipped it, I slowly moved it down her legs, I went up for her underwear and stopped. I pulled away from her kiss.

"Did u forget to wear underwear today" I asked looking up at her.

"No I just didn't wear any" she said and took off her shirt then bra.

She walked a few steps over to the tub and got in. "Are u coming" she asked looking at me.

I stood up and let my towel fall to the floor then got in with her, I poured her a class of champagne and one for myself. When I put the bottle down behind me and I turned back around Taylor came at me and started to make out with me again. I sat up and put my hands on the middle of her back, she had hers in my hair.

She clearly didn't want to wait, she got out and dried off before I was even out. I took her to the bed. I was on top of her and she put her legs around my waist. She PUSHED me off of her so I was now on my back, she got on me and started sucking on my chest in different places. She was such a tease.
"Nice marks there Ronaldo" Gareth said looking at my while I was putting on my training shirt.

"Thanks" I said smirking. Taylor had given me hickeys all over my chest last night.

"I heard u were pretty good last night" Sergio said on the other side of the dressing room.

"How would u know that" I asked sitting on the bench in front of my locker.

"The ladies talk man" Gareth said looking at me then sitting next to me.

"Why is it lady's night out on my field" our coach comes into the dressing room asking.

We all walked out onto the pitch our wives and girlfriends were all wearing bikinis playing football. Sergio starts to walk over to them so do I Taylor was on the sidelines. I walked over and put my arms around her waist.

"What are u doing here" I whispered in her ear, her skin was so warm almost sweaty.

"Having fun" she said backing up into me.

"Coach isn't to happy so u might have to move to the other field" I said standing up straight, she was more pushed into me now that I did that.

Taylor took her group of woman over to the field next to ours, we all could still see them it was kinda distracting actually.
"Did u have fun today" I asked Taylor cuddling into her back as we lied in bed.

"Ya even tho I didn't play much, just for the few minutes I did it felt so good, I miss it so much" she said putting her hand over mine and putting her fingers between mine.

"I know baby" I said kissing her neck and closed my eyes then soon fell asleep.
I'm so sorry everyone I have been gone so long but I am back and I'm gonna be updating more so I hope u didn't think I abandon u guys.

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