- See You Again -

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It's been three years since Y/n had completely disappeared. The Armed Detective Agency didn't feel the same without the hyperactive woman. Dazai wasn't the same. In fact everyday he regretted not offering to go with her or for even trying to convince her to stay.

Y/n... Dazai constantly thought of her.

Every time he came across a girl with (h/c) hair , he would run after them, calling out her name. He was disappointed each time when it proved to be a pretty but completely different person.

Kunikida and the others were visibly aware of the change that Dazai was going through. He had been separated from her for so long and once he was finally reunited with her, she left.

"Don't worry Dazai-San... our paths will definitely cross again... Please wait for me until then. "

Those were the last words that she said to him before she disappeared. After her disappearance, the organization that Fyodor was with disappeared as well, as if also waiting for her return.

Both the ADA and the Port Mafia searched for where the woman could have possibly gone. They searched all of Japan, but she was no where to be found. The last place she was actually spotted was at the airport, wearing normal clothes, a swivel bag in her hands, winking at the camera as she left the country.

Dazai often wondered if Y/n was also thinking of him. If she missed him as much he missed her. If she was skipping her meals or eating too much or if she was actually still alive or if she was getting any taller-


The brown haired man's head shot up, his eyes meeting grey ones.

"What do you want from me Kunikida-San?" He asked in a bored tone, spinning his chair around in circles.

Kunikida sighed, rubbing his temples. Although he didn't mind how quiet the man was for the past three years, he was concerned. Dazai hadn't so much as looked at any other woman or mention having a double suicide with anyone... and actually started completing his work.

"Did you finish the paperwork?" He asked.

Dazai nodded and pointed to the completed pile of paperwork on his desk. It was a surprise that Dazai was actually a diligent worker, even more so than Kunikida was, not that he'd ever admit it.



"You really need to go outside more." He lectured, hands on his hips.

"But outside is terrible." He replied, banging his head on the table.

"Dazai please-"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Dazai would you lis-"


"THAT'S IT!!!!"

Dazai shouted in protest as the blonde picked him up and quite literally tossed him out the window. He landed on the ground with a loud thud. He sat up and rubbed his head with a big frown, he was about to get up when he saw a hand being offered to him.

"Need hand?"

Dazai's eyes widened, recognizing the voice. His head snapped upwards, his brown eyes meeting (e/c) eyes.


To Be Continued...

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