- Trust -

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The duo stared at each other for a bit, rather Y/n glared at him while he smiled at her. Y/n couldn't believe that this was happening to her, she had finally returned to place she belonged and now she got herself captured by the same people that captured her before.

"And what information would you have that would be important to me?" Y/n asked.

"Believe me or not but the person you think you are right now isn't who you really are." Dazai answered.

Y/n frowned, her eye brows furrowing.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

Dazai smiled and tilted his head.

"You're weaker than I thought you were Y/n-chan." Dazai stated.

"Shut up you bandage wasting device!!! I'll kill you!" She shouted.

"Really? Could you really kill me?" Dazai asked.

Bandage Wasting Device.... why did I call him that? It seemed to flow... my head hurts...

Y/n took a step back and then tripped over something, falling on the ground. She grounded, turning to see what she had tripped on. It was a katana with a red hilt. Her eyes widened.

'I'm sorry Y/n... I'm so so sorry... No child should suffer as much as you have...'

The memory faded and Y/n began to sweat, her eyes still wide. Y/n then stood and began walking around when she came across a closet. For some reason she felt so much dread and sorrow just from being near it.

Why is that? I've never been here in my life... right?

Dazai watched intently, to him it seemed as if she was beginning to remember little bits and pieces of her past. It really depended on what Fyodor had told her already and how much of it she actually believed.

With trembling hands Y/n reached to the handle of the closet, her heart beating loudly. The woman then threw the door open, her eyes widening once more.

'Mommy and Daddy will get better... They're angry still... maybe one day we'll be able to laugh and play like the other families...'

The woman slammed the closet door shut and turned to the brown haired detective. Her eyes wide, her brain was throbbing as was her chest. All of a sudden she felt weak at the knees. It was almost as if she were poisoned.

'Mommy, Daddy I'm sorry! I'll behave! I'll do better! I'm sorry for being such a bad daughter.'

Whose voice am I hearing?! Can he hear it too, or is he the one causing it?

"Y/n why are you fighting?" Dazai asked, walking over to her.

"See your brain wants to remember." Dazai replied, pointing at the little bits and pieces of the room that were starting to appear.

"Why doesn't your heart?"

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" Y/n shouted sending Dazai flying into the next room.

'Y/n please don't lie to me, tell me... Who's the one that has been hurting you? Was it your parents?'

This was how the book was designed, it would little by little, reveal a new aspect of Y/n's life. First starting with her life as a child, then soon the room would shift and move to when she was in the Mafia, and then finally it would move back to the Armed Detective Agency.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Y/n shouted covering her ears with her hands.

Dazai groaned as he sat up, something was definitely broken. He frowned as he watched the woman struggle. Was she really still trying to keep herself from remembering? Dazai sighed.

After all the things that she's done, I probably wouldn't want to remember either...

"Y/n!" Dazai called out.

"Leave me alone!" The woman shouted, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes as she shut them closed.

A purple mist began surrounding the woman which eventually began turning into a tornado. This was Edgar Allan Poe's writing, of course someone's inner demons would take a form.

Dazai then ran over and pinned the woman on her back keeping her hands away from her ears.

The book was designed so that the mysteries that Y/n had to solve were parts of her lost memories. If Y/n was keeping herself from remembering there would be no point. Not only that but Chuuya and Akutagawa were outside, there were probably intruders already trying to get the book.

"Y/n listen to me! I know you don't want to remember..."

"Shut up!!! Let go of me!!!"

"Any other person in your position would want the same thing..."

"Shut up!!! I don't want to hear anything you have to say!!!"

"The things that happened to you was painful..."

"Shut up you don't know anything!"

But didn't things get better from here?" Dazai asked.

The woman then stopped struggling and looked up her eyes meeting Dazai's, which were also watering.

"Please trust me."

Y/n's eyes were wide. His eyes seemed lonely and desperate. There was something about them that made her want to believe in him.

How are his words so comforting? Why does he care so much about regaining my memory? Are they that desperate to get their weapon back? No... if they wanted their weapon back wouldn't they have wiped my memory again? Wait.... this makes no sense... if they were the ones that wiped my memory.... at that time why did they look like they were trying to save me?

Dazai then stopped pinning down the woman and wrapped her in a hug.

"Please Y/n just trust me."

The woman silently raised a knife positioning it to stab the man. She was about to do so when she stopped, her hand trembling.

'Y/n-Chan~ Why don't you trust me? I trust you.'

Why do I want to trust him? What is it about him that makes me feel so safe? Why can't I just kill him?!

Dazai was of course aware of what the woman was doing, yet didn't move or attempt to stop her. What would happen would happen. Plus dying by the hand of the woman he loves... That isn't a bad death.

The woman silently cursed and dropped the knife. The clattering of the knife against the hard wood floor echoed throughout the room. Y/n chuckled.

"You're right... I really am weak..." she stated.

"Fine I'll believe in you, just this once."

To Be Continued...

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