- Checkmate -

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Luckily, Yosano was the first one to come to and immediately treated Dazai. The man had lost a lot of blood and had broken his arm and had a concussion.

Dazai was able to feel the full strength of the woman's ability, and it was truly terrifying. He had never seen Y/n with that much fear and bloodlust. Had those feelings been there the entire time? Had Fyodor just been there to release those feelings? He had no idea.

But he felt like he had once again failed Y/n. The first time being when he left her at the Port Mafia and the second time when he had failed to keep her from getting injured on their last mission.

How could he have allowed that demon to get anywhere near her?

"Y/n is not the same person we know." Kunikida announced, pushing up his glasses.

"Yosano and I checked the area and found this." He began, holding up a vial with black liquid residue.

"What is it?" Atsushi asked.

"It's a liquified form of an ability." Yosano answered.

"It's very rare and a very dangerous thing to do. In order for it to work the liquid has to have been ingested, then the liquid will be absorbed completely into the body." She explained.

"Y/n had to have been forced to drink one that had some sort of memory or mind control ability in it." She added.

"We don't know for sure, so we need to treat Y/n as an enemy. If you see Y/n... run. She's a trained assassin and has a strong ability." Kunikida stated.

"But there has to be something we can do!" Atsushi stated.

"As of now, I'm not sure there is anything we can do... For now, we'll have to wait and see." Fukuzawa stated.


Y/n lounged around the base, watching as Fyodor worked. She felt surprisingly calm even after the initial effect of the ability had worn off. She wasn't able to remember anything. Except for one name that kept on repeating itself over and over again in her mind... Dazai Osamu.

Wasn't he that weak man with bandages that she had beaten, the man that had refused to fight back even though she was about to kill him.

But why? Why wouldn't he want to fight back?  The only logical explanation was if he somehow knew me... but I would remember someone like him rig-


Y/n picked her head up lazily, with a bored expression on her face.

"What do you want?" She asked, in monotone, examining her nails.

Although Y/n knew Fyodor and remembered all they had worked on together, she knew that he was planning something. Just because she knew someone, doesn't mean that she trusts them. Even with her memories of the man, she realizes that there's so much she doesn't know about him.

And for all the time she's known Fyodor, she knows that he loves playing mind games.

"I need you to do me a favor." Fyodor began.

"What sort of favor?" She asked, her eyes narrowing.

"I need you to obtain a document from me." He answered, his violet eyes glinting.

"Give me the information and I'll do it." She replied, already getting up.

Fyodor smirked, and handed her pictures of a man with orange hair and some files. The woman recognized her as the man that had tried to grab her, the one wearing the fancy hat.

"Who's this and what does he have to do with this 'document' you speak of?" She asked, leaning against the wall as she examined the pictures.

"His name is Chuuya Nakahara, and he's been causing some trouble for me for the past couple of years." Fyodor replied.

"Past couple of years..." Y/n repeated.

Come to think of it... why don't I have any memory for the last couple of months? For the past year? Why is my most recent memory of when I was in Elementary School?

"Y/n is something wrong?" Fyodor asked, amusement filling his voice.

"Why can't I remember anything from the past 10 years?" She asked.

"Well that's where he comes in, I believe he's one of the people responsible for your memory loss, you've been missing for almost 3 years now  Y/n." Fyodor answered.

"But that doesn't explain why I'm in the picture with him." She stated, tossing a picture of herself fighting alongside the orange haired man.

"We believe that the Port Mafia captured you on your last mission and used some sort of ability that caused you not only to forget everything about myself and the organization, but also to replace your real memories with fabricated ones." He answered.

This seems off...

"But why?"

"So they could use you."

Y/n sighed, knowing that this was a possibility.
But she couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that she was forgetting something important. Well, no shit she hardly had any of her memories left! But, there was an aching in her chest when she looked at a picture with Chuuya Nakahara with Dazai Osamu. They looked like they were posing for the photo. She wondered who was taking the picture.

I miss them...

The woman paused her eyes widening as her head began throbbing.

What the hell was I just thinking?! Those bastards are probably the ones responsible for my memory loss! No wonder that name has been popping up! It's because that bastard is still trying to fool me!

Fyodor smirked as he watching his partner become filled with rage. A dark purple aura surrounded her as objects began levitating around her.


To Be Continued...

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