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The (h/c) haired woman hummed as she was finally able to see the sun again. She blushed when she realized that she still had the man's jacket draped over her shoulders.

"Here." She said, handing the male his jacket back.

"Oh thanks." Chuuya thanked pulled his coat over his shoulders.

The two walked back to the man's car and hopped in, silence filling the air. The whole situation had the woman thinking. If Y/n was captured, would the Mafia go in to save her, knowing it would be a trap? Y/n felt somewhat envious of what the Armed Detective Agency had, the had friendship, the ability to trust one another. To be able to put a friend before a job.

"Are you alright Y/n?" The man asked, blue eyes filled with concern.

Y/b blinked then quickly smiled, shaking her hands.

"I'm fine... I was just thinking about how close everyone at the Agency must be." She admitted, looking out the window.

Chuuya gripped the steering wheel.

"Would she be really happy if she left the Mafia? If she joined the Armed Detective Agency instead?" He asked himself.

Then suddenly he felt something touch his gloved hand. Eyes widening he turned around towards the girl.

"What's the matter? Why have you been distant lately?" Y/n asked.

Chuuya sighed, loosening his grip on the steering wheel.

"It's nothing." He lied.

Y/n narrowed her (e/c) eyes.

"Do I really have to use my ability on you?" She asked.

"It's Dazai." He stated.

"What about him?" Y/n asked, her aura changing.

"He was in the Mafia's custody but then got away." He admitted.

Y/n's eyes widened, she removed her hand from Chuuya's. A shadow crossed her face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

"If you gotten riled up in your state you would've lost control." He stated.

"But I got better... wait... did you tell Higuchi to not tell me?" She asked, recalling a couple of days before.

Chuuya turned away.

"Say... Were you the one that let Dazai go?" She asked.

"You were there when I asked Higuchi where you were... I felt your presence. When Higuchi told me she didn't know I decided to let it slide." She stated.

"You talked to Dazai." She added, anger rising in her chest.

"It's not like I wanted to let him go!" Chuuya stated.

"He let himself get captured, and he could've escaped at any given time." He added.

"Why didn't you kill him?" Y/n asked.

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