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The orange haired executive, walked into Mori's office a frown on his face. Right now he wasn't in the best of moods. He found out that Y/n had stolen 10 bottles of his best wine, still not responding to his confession.

"What is it?" He asked, in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Y/n left this for you." Mori replied.

Chuuya frowned as he saw his hat that he had given Y/n resting on the table.

"Thanks." He replied, holding the hat.

"Aren't you going to put it on?" Mori asked.

"Nope, she probably put super glue on it." He replied.

"Was that it?" Chuuya asked.

Mori nodded and dismissed him.

Chuuya now walked down the hall looking at his hat, wondering if this was her answer. Just then a tiny note fell out of the hat. Curious, he picked it up and opened it.

Dear Mr. Fancy Hat,

Thank you for the flowers. I'm too much of a coward to say this in person so I'll just write it down. I can't believe you like me~ :3... However since I'm no longer in the Mafia it would never work... unless... you join the Armed Detective Agency~ :D Jkjkjkjk (partially). Anyway, I wanted to say that even though now we are technically enemies, you will always be my first friend, and no matter what happens nothing will change that. Can't wait to actually have to serious fight you!


P.S. I didn't super glue the hat, I superglued the note~ Have fun with that Chuchu~ <3 :D

Chuuya then realized that the note was indeed super glued to his gloves. He sighed, but couldn't help but smile too. Y/n seriously had no idea what a huge impact she had on him. Because for just a moment, Chuuya seriously thought about leaving the Mafia if it meant that he would be with the (h/c) haired woman.


*One week later*

The sounds of party poppers going off filled the room, as a battered Y/n walked inside the office, Dazai following in soon after. Y/n had just passed the Armed Detective Agency exam, meaning that as of then she is a full fledged member.

"Congratulations~!!!" Everyone beamed.

Y/n's (e/c) orbs sparkled with pride. The exam she took was not easy at all, it was very complicated and well thought out by Dazai.

"Thank you everyone~!" She beamed.

Word of Y/n's official acceptance into the Agency reached the ears of many organizations, including the Port Mafia. But no one cared at the moment, especially not Y/n.

"So does that mean that you'll tell us the secret that you told Ranpo?" Yosano and Naomi asked.



"So President who's my partner going to be?" Y/n asked, hopping up and down.

"For now, you'll be paired up with different people, and we'll see who you're most compatible with." The President answered.

In a moment of happiness, Y/n hugged the president, then proceeded to hug everyone in the Agency, including, much to everyone's surprise, Dazai. Y/n finally found the place that she truly belonged.


A man wearing a hat, smirked as he saw a photo posted of Y/n holding her Agency ID.

"So she's in the Agency now?" He asked, biting his thumb.

"This is interesting, I can't wait to see how strong you've become, Y/n."


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