- Revert -

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"Ah~ ah~"

"As much as I would love to unchain you, I have to make sure that you're not lying to me... you see I'm not an idiot." Fyodor stated, with a mischievous grin on his face.

The woman silently cursed, she thought that if she played along long enough then she would be set free, then once they got out of the room she would kill him.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked.

"I want you to kill this man." He stated.

The woman's eyes widened when she saw a Guild member tied before her. She didn't know his name but she had seen his picture somewhere.

"Now I'm going to leave the room and remotely release you and then you'll kill him... ok?" Fyodor asked with a smile.

"You know this would be a lot more interesting if I were able to use my ability. Using my hands is way too much work." She stated.

Fyodor sighed.

"If you don't do this then I won't be able to let you out this room." He replied, walking to the exit.

I couldn't see where he was going since I couldn't turn my head around but I could tell the exit was behind me. Once I heard the closing of a door my restraints came off. I walked up to the man and sighed. Then paused, all of a sudden my hands were completely covered in blood. My eyes widened.

It was at that very moment I realized that I hadn't killed anyone just using my bare hands. I've never snapped someone's neck.

I'm a different person now. I don't care what I did... what I was really supposed to be... only I can decide who I will become.

Fyodor watched in disappointment as the woman instead broke the man out of his chains.

"I didn't want to have to do this... but I guess now I'll have to." He said, holding a vial of black liquid.


"Guys!!! Y/n's in trouble!" Ranpo suddenly stated.

"What?!" Dazai demanded.

"Y/n is being held captive." He stated.

"Where?!" Dazai demanded.

"In the Port Mafia's abandoned warehouse." Ranpo stated.

"How did you know?" Atsushi asked.

"I was going to call Y/n and tell her to buy me candy, since she owes me, but when I texted her, she told me no and when I threatened to tell, she said that she didn't care." Ranpo stated.

Everyone swetdropped.

"Really Ranpo?"

"Well if you had a massive crush on the guy that left you and you're living with, wouldn't you want to keep it a secret?" Ranpo asked.

Everyone paused.

"Y/n like DAZAI?!?!"

Everyone looked for Dazai, only to find that he was already out the door.

That idiot! I told her to be careful! How could I not tell that she wasn't the one texting?!


"That was a pretty impressive show you put on Y/n." Fyodor stated.

The woman was completely paralyzed.

"Sorry I forgot to mention that the injection I gave you earlier also had a paralysis serum in it. After 5 minutes of being conscious is when it kicks in." Fyodor stated.

"I know what's made you so weak... it's "love" right? You want to become a better person for him, for them right?" He asked.

Kicking her phone in front of her. The woman glared.

"Haha that glare's still impressive, but not as effective as the one you gave before." He stated.

"Dazai Osamu called you a lot of times already. He must really care for you right?" He asked, showing her a selfie that the two had taken, when Y/n had passed her entrance exam.

"Shut up you asshole!"

"I almost feel bad about reverting you back to the way you were." He stated.

The woman's eyes widened as she desperately tried to move. The man tied to the chair ended up being Fyodor's ally.

"Hold her up please." Fyodor stated.

The man picked Y/n and held her so that her head would stay still.

"Do you know what this is?" Fyodor asked swishing the liquid.

"This a replica of the Forest of Eyes, meaning I can make you forget again. I didn't want to, but you aren't leaving much choice... so give you one last chance."

"Will you join me on your own?" He asked.

"Eat shit and die." She replied.

Fyodor chuckled as Y/n's body became completely paralyzed to the point she could even blink.

Fyodor tilted her chin up gently opening her mouth and poured the liquid down her throat. The woman then began shaking, causing the man to let her go.

"Lets go, we'll check up on her later."


Y/n held her head in her hands, as if trying to keep it from exploding. Her head burned and she felt sick to her stomach. Memories seemed to be vanishing from her brain. First names, then faces, and now nothing at all.

Mako, Mori, Elise, Kouyou, Akutagawa, Higuchi, Yosano, Tanizaki, Naomi, Kyouka, Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa, Kenji, Atsushi, Chuuya Nakahara...

"Dazai Osamu." The woman kept repeating that name over and over again, scared of forgetting that person.

"Hurry up Dazai."


The second Dazai entered the warehouse, in panic he shouted out for Y/n. Causing a whole bunch of bullets to be fired his way. Then, suddenly the bullets shot downwards. Dazai turned to see Chuuya and the rest of the Armed Detective Agency.

"Go, we'll take care of these guys!" Chuuya shouted.

Dazai nodded and quickly made his way to the only other room in the warehouse.

"Y/n must be here!"

He tried pulling open the door, but it wouldn't budge so instead he placed explosives at the door.


Once the noise stopped he rushed into the room. Something that he would soon regret.

To Be Continued...

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