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"Y/n-chan... how did you get those wounds?" The woman asked, kneeling down to the girl covered in bandages.

"I fell down the stairs." The girl answered.

"Please don't lie to me." The teacher stated.

"It's not a lie." The girl replied.

"I'll tell you a secret, I am an ability user too Y/n, I can tell when someone is lying, it's called 'Forest of Eyes' ." She stated.

The girl's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that her teacher was an ability user as well.

"So can you please tell me?" She asked, giving the girl a warm smile.

The girl kept her lips shut, afraid of what would happen if she told her. Tears brimmed the corners of her eyes. The teacher's eyes narrowed, as she pushed up her glasses.

"Your parents, huh?" She asked.

The girl's eyes widened in response.

"Don't worry Y/n... I won't ever let them hurt you ever again." She stated holding the fragile girl close to her chest.


Y/n woke with a start, for some reason tears were streaming down her face.

"Huh? Why am I crying?" She asked, wiping the tears off her face, only for them to be replaced with fresh tears.

"Y/n-ch-" Dazai's expression became serious when he saw the woman cry.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know..." Y/n replied, wiping the tears away.

"That's weird." Dazai said, sitting down next to her.

"I think I was having a dream..." Y/n stated.

"A dream?" Dazai asked.

Y/n nodded.

"Haven't had one of those in years." She stated, with a soft expression on her face.

It's been a while since he's seen Y/n look this way, she looked so... innocent and vulnerable. This made Dazai even more curious as to what she was dreaming about.

"Let's go to the office, Kunikida will be an my ass again if we're late." The woman stated, standing up.

"Aren't you the one that's running late?" Dazai asked.



The (h/c) haired girl sobbed into the woman's chest. Her parents were gone, taken care of. Ms. Tada, had reported her parents for child abuse and had taken custody of the girl.

"Don't worry Y/n... You're safe now." The woman cooed, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

The child had been through so much pain at such a young age. The woman could only imagine how terrified the girl must've been.

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