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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The (h/c) haired woman woke with a start. Her eyes widened when she looked at her phone messages.

'Do you remember me yet Y/n?'

'I'm waiting'

"Y/n, y/n! Did you get beat up again~?" A purple eyes boy asked.

"No, leave me alone." The (e/c) eyed girl replied, covering up her bruises.

"Aww~ you don't have to be so mean~" the boy replied.

"You know your parents parents are going to Hell right?" The boy asked.

"They did nothing wrong." The girl lied, she was once again in her parents grasp.

She felt weak and helpless to everything. The one person that ever cared for her was gone, most likely dead and if she asked for help, the person who helped her would also die.

"It's no use lying to me Y/n-chan~" He replied.

"I know everything." He added, with a smile.

"If you know everything then tell me, why are you suddenly interested in me?" The girl asked.

"Why does everyone beat on me? Why does everyone hate me?" She asked.

"Because you're strong." The boy stated.

"Strong?" The girl asked bitterly.

"I'm not strong." She stated.

"If I were strong then everyone would leave me alone." She added, with a blank stare.

The boy only grinned.

"Sure not now, but if we work together... who knows what could happen?" He asked, holding out his hand.

The girl hesitantly took his hand, desperate for a companion, someone to talk to. They shook hands and smiled.

"Let's become strong together." The boy chirped.



The woman blinked, then rested her head on her hand. She had remembered another person. Someone that was her friend.

Instead of being scared of the person, she was scared for him. Wondering if he was in danger.

"Y/n are you alright?" Dazai asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"I'm fine." The woman replied, getting out of bed.

"Are you sure? It's 5:00 am." Dazai stated, tilting his head to the side as he looked at the woman's phone.

Y/n had quickly snatched the phone from him.

"What was that for?" Dazai asked.

"Mind your own business." She replied quickly heading into the bathroom to change and freshened up.

"Where are you going?" Dazai asked, confusedz

"For a walk." She answered.

"A walk?" Dazai asked.

"Yeah, I just have to get some air." She replied, stepping out of the bathroom.

"Ok, I'll meet you at the Agency then right?" Dazai asked, still slightly confused.

"Sure." The woman replied.

Y/n was about to leave when she remembered that Dazai was sleeping in her bed. He stayed with her, the whole night. He kept his promise.

"Oh and Dazai?" She called out.

"Yeah?" He asked, now sitting on the edge of the bed.

Should I tell him?

"Your hair is a mess." She replied, instead.

Dazai chuckled.

"Isn't it always?" He asked.

The woman smiled then closed the door behind her.

"See ya later." She said, waving.


Later that day

Dazai frowned as he looked at his phone. He was almost at the Agency, Y/n had texted him earlier saying that she was at the Agency. So he decided to bring her breakfast, since she probably skipped it.

The brown haired man entered the office, with a smile on his face.

"Good morning everyone~!" He chirped.

"Morning Dazai-San." Atsushi replied, passing by with a large stack of papers.

He then paused and looked at Dazai in confusion.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked.

Dazai's heart seemed to skip a beat.

"She's not with you? She just texted." Dazai stated.

"I haven't seen her all morning, and I came really early too." Kunikida chimed in.

"I'm sure she's fine, she's a young woman with a life of her own, and it's not like the two of you are dating." Yosano added.

As if on cue, Dazai's phone vibrated, with a message from Y/n.

"Sorry not coming to work today, pls cover for me!"

Dazai sighed with relief.

If she was going to skip work, she shoulda told me... now I have double the things to do... I know! I'll just make Atsushi do it!


The woman woke, pain flaring in her mind as her vision blurred.


"Are you finally awake?" A voice asked.

The woman's head snapped to the voice, her eyes widening as her (e/c) eyes met purple ones.

"It's been a while Y/n."


"Y/n~"  A voice called out.

The (h/c) girl sighed as she turned to see her purple eyes friend.

"What do you want Fyodor?" She asked.

To Be Continued....

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