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'It's not true.'


'It's a lie.'

The (h/c) haired girl ran out of the office, leaving her superior officers with wide eyes and shocked expressions. The girl ran down the halls, tears flowing down her cheeks.

'He left you, just like everyone else will.'

The girl didn't know where she was going, she only knew that she wanted to run far away from that room. Soon the girl stopped running and came across the tree she used to play under when she was younger. She collapsed underneath the same tree.

"He wouldn't leave." She murmured.

"They're lying... all of them are liars." She murmured.


"Dazai wouldn't abandon me." She cried, tugging at the blades of grass.

Images of the brown haired boy filled her mind.

'It's a promise.'

The act that everyone was accusing the man of doing was worse than death. They said that he had left the Port Mafia. That he was a traitor. Traitors were caught, tortured, and then killed. There was no forgiveness in the Port Mafia. No second chances.

"Dazai... please don't let it be true..." The girl whispered.

"I don't want to have to kill you too." She added.

Y/n L/n, an executive of the Port Mafia. She was placed in charge of eliminating threats to the Port Mafia. Making sure that their secrets are kept secret. To dispose of any moles, spies and traitors.

While the girl was crying, she didn't notice an orange haired boy follow her. He hid behind a lamp post and watched as she cried, not knowing whether or not to comfort her. After all, she was just told that she would have to kill her friend.

The boy clenched his fists and banged it against the lamp post. How he hated seeing the girl cry, he hated how he was so powerless to do anything about it. And it was all because of him.

Because he broke his promise.

"I won't forgive him." He stated.

"If that bastard ever shows his face back here, I'll kill him myself." He vowed.


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