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The (h/c) haired woman frowned, and walked away from the main square, not wanting to return to the Detective Agency. Thoughts were jumbled in her head. She was confused and scared. For the first time in her life she didn't know what to do.

The brown haired man sighed as he watched the woman wander away from the circle. Something about all this had felt weird to him, but he had brushed it off as jealousy.

"Should we follow her?" Atsushi asked.

"No... She'll come back to the Agency when she's ready." Dazai replied, closing his eyes and turning away.

Atsushi looked at the direction the woman went, and sighed, then followed after Dazai. It was so obvious that Dazai had feelings for the woman, yet he hadn't said anything to her, afraid of rejection.


Y/n walked around the city, by herself, thinking. What would her next move be? Should she tell Dazai about her position? Should she keep it to herself? She was angry that Mori had shown up in such a way after lying to her and trying to have her killed. But she still owed a lot to the Port Mafia, and Y/n was a woman that repayed her debts.

'We should just give up and die~.'

Y/n smiled to herself.

"Maybe that suicidal bastard is on to something." She stated, aloud.

If Y/n were to die, then she wouldn't have to deal with anything that had just happened. She wouldn't have to respond to Chuuya's confession, she wouldn't have to decide whether or not to accept the mission given to her by Mori, she wouldn't have to decide between the Mafia and the Detective Agency.

"I could go underground..." Y/n mused.

"But what would I do after that? Lead a normal life, under a new name?" She wondered.

But she knew deep down that she could never escape Mori or Dazai for that matter. They could find her no matter what she did or became. Now the woman stood at a bridge, looking over the edge at the sea below. She wondered how it would feel to drown, to have water fill her lungs.

Then he phone began buzzing, the caller ID read "Bandage Wasting Device". Y/n decided not to pick up, he would just tease her and ask her how the meeting went. She still hadn't made a decision, so she couldn't go back.

"Wow... I think I've actually grown a conscience." The woman stated to herself.

It was true, she actually cared about what would happen to the Agency if she worked as a spy. She cared about Chuuya enough to wonder if a relationship between them would even work, or if she even thought about him that way.... She had once before when they were really young, but Chuuya surely didn't like her then, he made sure to avoid her the whole day.

She hated to admit it but she wondered what it would've been like if Dazai had asked them to come with him. If all three of them came to the Armed Detective Agency.

"Arghh!!! This is so frustrating!!!" She shouted,  stomping her foot.

"My life is a literal dumpster fire." She added, kicking her feet off the edge.

Then her phone began buzzing again, much to her annoyance. She looked at the caller ID, it was Atsushi this time. She ignored his call as well, afraid that the moment she said something that they would know everything.


"Y/n isn't answering." Atsushi stated, looking back at Dazai, who had a concerned expression on his face.

This was already the tenth time that Atsushi had tried calling her, with no answer. The time was now 7:00 pm and she still wasn't back at the Agency.

"Maybe her phone is out of batteries." Kenji offered.

"No, Y/n always makes sure that her phone is at 100% before coming to work." Ranpo stated.

"Maybe she's in trouble." Tanizaki said.

"No one would dare mess with her." Dazai said dismissing him.

"Maybe she's with Chuuya."he thought bitterly.

"You know, we can just track her on her phone right?" Naomi asked.


"There's an app called Find My Friends and it shows where all your friends are." Naomi explained.

"Then where is she?" Dazai asked.

Naomi's eyes widened.

"N-no way..."

"Where is she?" Dazai asked.

"The Port Mafia Headquarters."


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