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* 4 Years Later *

"Y/n-San." The raven haired man called.

"Yes, Boss?" The (h/c)-haired woman replied, ignoring the little blonde girl that relentlessly tugged on her coat.

"I have a job for you." He replied.

"A job?" She asked.

"That's right." He replied, closing his eyes.

"Why can't you send the Black Lizard?" She asked in annoyance.

"They got their butts beat~!" The little girl chirped, hugging onto the woman's legs.

"What's the point of having that division if they're just going to fail?" The woman asked.

The Mafia boss smirked at the executive's sassy remarks. She was no longer the scared little girl that wandered around the Mafia with her head down. She was now a strong woman, who wasn't afraid to voice her opinion.

"Now, now give them some credit, after all it is the Armed Detective Agency we're talking about." He added.

Y/n scoffed, at the name. She had heard rumors of strong ability members being in that organization, but all she thought was relevant was that the weretiger was under their protection. She had no clue that a certain someone was also working for that same organization.

"So what's the job?" The woman asked, resting her hand on her hip.

"I want you to go with Akutagawa and investigate this man." He replied, handing her a picture with a taxi driver.

Y/n raised her eyebrow and frowned.

"What's so special about him? He looks like a regular cab driver." Y/n replied.

"It would seem so, however, he's killed one of our own and seems to be employed by a small organization in the black market." He replied.

Y/n smirked.

"The black market, huh?" She asked.

"Not only that, but they also seem to be connected with the Azure King, I'm sure you're aware of the current Azure Messenger?" He asked.

Y/n nodded, her smirk only growing.

"So you want me to kill that old man, then kill everyone in that organization?" Y/n asked.

"Correct, then I want a full report." He replied.

Y/n bowed her head to her boss, then left the room. 

'This is going to be interesting'


"Akutagawa!" Y/n yelled out, banging on the younger man's door.

Soon, the door opened to reveal the tired looking male.

"Y/n-Sensei..." he stated, his gray eyes widening.

Akutagawa was placed to train under Y/n after Dazai left the organization. Y/n unlike Dazai treated the boy with respect, telling him where he was going right and wrong, but still punishing him when he disobeyed orders.

"We have a job, you're with me." She replied.

Akutagawa nodded and followed her outside, coughing every so often.

"Have you gotten that cough checked yet?" She asked him.

"No, it's just a cough, it's nothing." He replied, coughing again.

Y/n sighed.

"Strength is a good thing to have, but health is also inportant... after all what good would a sick soldier be?" She asked.

Soon the two reached Y/n's division.

"Y/n-San!" Everyone in the room immediately lowered their heads.

"What are you doing here? Do we have a job?" One man asked.

Y/n smirked.

"Yes, I need around 20 of you to come with me." She stated.

20 men immediately armed themselves and stood in front of the shorter woman, causing her to grin.

"Alright men, let's go take care of some business." She replied, already beginning to walk out of the warehouse.


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