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"This is bullshit!" The (h/c) haired woman shouted.

The other members watched with wide eyes as she cursed at the Mafia boss.

"Now, now Y/n-San, calm down." The raven haired man asked.

"You pulled me out of a mission just because Elise-chan wanted me to have a tea party?!??" She shouted.

"So are you ready Y/n-chan~!" The blonde haired girl asked, tugging on her coat.

"No! I'm not a damn babysitter!" She shouted.

"Why are you so worked up? Normally you would be ecstatic to be pulled out of a mission." Mori stated, looking at the woman in confusion.

"We had a run in with Dazai Osamu." One of the members stated.

"Dazai-San, huh?" Mori asked, a small smirk forming on his lips.

"Did you miss him Y/n-San?" Mori asked.

"As if! I was about to kill that asshole and bring the weretiger!!!" She shouted, flipping the table.

"Y/n-San!!!! Please calm down!!!!" The lower members stated, trying to hold back the executive.

"Now I can see why you're so upset." Mori replied.

"But that's not the only reason I brought you back here." He added, his expression becoming serious.

The woman calmed down. The members sighed and released her from their death grip.

"May I please talk to Y/n-San alone?" Mori asked.

The members bowed, but still left the room. Once the room was empty except for Elise-chan, Mori and Y/n, the windows were closed.

"Oh? This seems serious." Y/n stated.

Mori nodded, a grim expression on his face.

"It's organizations in the west. One group of members seem to have forgotten why I am the head of the Mafia and decided to take over one of our main archive buildings... They're threatening to expose some scandals from the past." He stated.

The (e/c) eyed woman's eyes narrowed.

"Hmmm... That sounds pretty bad~" She stated, smirking.

"But why me?" She asked.

"Well this is your forte isn't it?" He asked.

She chuckled.

"But do you really expect me to bring a whole section down, alone?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip.

"I can do it, but I can't say that I want to." She added.

Mori smiled.

"I thought you'd say that, so I brought you a partner." He said.

"You can come in now." Mori called out.

"It's been a while, Y/n-San." A voice called out.

Y/n's eyes widened, and she whipped around her eyes meeting piercing blue ones.



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