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Footsteps were heard echoing throughout the tunnels, causing Y/n the straighten up. The air around the air got colder, it was time for business.

"All clients should schedule an appointment prior to the visit of the Detective Agency. If you are unhappy with the reception here, please, do feel free to visit another one." The woman with a butterfly pin stated, slinging a giant butcher's knife over her shoulder.

"Oh~! You two have nice hats~!" A young blonde haired boy exclaimed.

"Do you really think that we need to make an appointment when we're here to destroy the place?" Chuuya asked, glaring at the the agency members in front of them.

"No they're right~ We should've given them a proper greeting." Y/n stated, smirking.

"Oh, that's very kind of you Miss~!" The blonde haired boy exclaimed, a flowery aura surrounding him.

Everyone sweatdropped, while Y/n was trying hard not to hug the adorable child in front of her.

"You two can tear this place down if you wanted to... But that's not what you're here for is it?" She asked.

"Oh~ You know our intentions? I guess that's to be expected from a Detective Agency." Y/n stated.

"So how about we cut the bullshit and get right to the point?" She asked, holding up a picture.

"It's a present from our boss." Chuuya replied.

"These are members of the Guild?" The Presidents voice asked through the speaker.

"We've lured them with some bait. The time and appearance are here." She said, flipping the photo back.

"Do what you want with them, they're yours."
She said.


"It's a rare chance isn't it?" Chuuya asked.

"You can wipe these two out in one go." He added.

"I see, that's quite the offer... but we have something better." The Doctor began, pointing her huge butcher's knife at me.

The woman shrugged and smirked, tossing the photos to the ground.

"Well this was getting boring anyway." She stated, getting into a fighting position.



Chuuya sighed but also got ready to fight. What was Mori thinking sending these two to negotiate? When the best these two were at was fighting?

"Watch out~!" Kenji shouted, preparing the whack us with a piece of railing.

Chuuya smirked and completely obliterated the track, causing the boy's eyes to light with excitement.

"I guess that leaves me with you Yosano-San." Y/n stated, unsheathing her blade.

Yosano smirked then charged. The woman was able to block the huge blade with her smaller one, and kick the older woman backwards. But instead of falling she charged at Chuuya instead.

"Chuuya! Behind you!" She shouted.

Chuuya heard my warning and flipped onto the ceiling, smirking at the other two agents.

"That ability... you're the gravity manipulator Nakahara Chuuya." Yosano stated.

"Looks like Dazai's been running his mouth." Y/n said with a sigh.

"And who are you?" Yosano asked, looking at the other woman.

Y/n smiled, holding a finger to her lips and winked.

"It's a secret~." She stated.

"Now~ which one of you would like to go first?" Y/n asked, removing her gloves, the surrounding rubble around her began to float and glow purple.

Yosano's eyes then widened.

"Wait! You're L/n Y/n, the telepath." She stated.

Y/n giggled.

"Correct~!" She stated.

"Now let's get started."


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