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"Y/n... What's the matter?" Dazai asked, a confused expression on his face, as he pulled away from the woman.

The orange haired executive also released her, his hand resting on her shoulder.

"I... I..." the woman's shoulders and hands began to tremble.

Both men knew what were coming, they knew that she would hate them for keeping such a huge secret from her. That she may leave.

"I killed her..." She stated.

"I killed her... and she still loved and protected me..." She said, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"She tried to save me years of regret..."

"She would rather me forget her than live my life carrying the guilt of killing her... she wanted me to have a good life." Y/n added, wiping away her tears.

"At the Mafia?" Dazai asked.

Y/n chuckled and shook her head.

"No... here... she wanted me to grow up in the Armed Detective Agency..." She said.

"What? Then how-"

"Kouyou-San, found me before the President was able to." She stated.

Chuuya and Dazai's eyes were wide. They had known about Chimako and how she defected from the Mafia and how she was found when she adopted a girl... but they had no idea that she was in contact with the Armed Detective Agency, that she was close friends with the President.

That had Kouyou left the girl, then maybe Y/n would've had a better life. Maybe she would be happy, and not have had to go through so much pain.

Both men wished that she wasn't found by Kouyou and was instead found by the President. But then Y/n wouldn't have met either of them. Does she regret being saved by Kouyou on not the President?

"Before you guys start thinking stupid thoughts, believe it or not I don't regret my time in the Port Mafia." She stated, taking both men by surprise.

"What?" They both asked in unison.

"I don't regret it. If I hadn't then I wouldn't have met either or you. And I met Chimako's friend that she was talking about." She added.

"So you're not mad?" Dazai asked.

Y/n smiled.

"No~, I'M PISSED!!!!"  She shouted punching a hole through the wall.

"MORI IS GOING TO PAY!" She shouted, fuming almost comically.

"He's such an asshole!!! Making me watch his precious Elise-chan!" She shouted an irk mark on her forehead.

"Wait... why aren't you barging out to kill him?" Chuuya asked.

"Because I don't want to kill anyone else. As much as that asshat deserves it, Mako-chan wouldn't want me to seek revenge, in that way." She stated.

"So I'll just blow up the rest of his cars and steal all his right shoes." She added.

"I feel bad for whoever thought I was going to go on some sort of rampage or run away. Those memories that they gave back to me... they were bad but, they weren't all bad. I now know that when I was a child I had someone that truly loved me, that I wasn't all alone." She stated.

"That I belonged somewhere." She added, her eyes starting to tear up again.


"Those memories made me happier, even though they also cause me a little pain." She added, the tears starting to fall again.

Dazai and Chuuya both leaned in to give the woman a hug, only for the woman to move back so it ended up with them hugging each other. They immediately broke apart, and glared at the woman who laughed.

"I'm still recovering, you two will crack my ribs." She mused.

"Is it ok for you to be here Chuuya?" Y/n asked.

"No one knows I came here." He replied, sitting back in his seat.

Y/n sighed.

"You don't think Mori's the one that gave me back my memories, right?" She suddenly asked.

Chuuya shook his head.

"He wouldn't, he's actually waiting for you to come back to the Mafia. He's expecting you to kill him and take his place someday." He replied.

"How did you know all that?" Y/n asked.

Chuuya smirked.

"Elise-chan told me, she misses you." He stated.

Y/n smiled sadly.

"Oh and since you left Mori had been making me have tea parties with Elise-chan!" Chuuya stated, an irk mark on his forehead.

Y/n laughed.

"You'll get used to it~"

Dazai then interrupted the two.

"I know who wanted Y/n to remember." Dazai said, his facial expression turning grim.

"Who?" Y/n asked, her eyes narrowing.

"That man's a demon... I've only actually met him once, but I know his name." Dazai said.

"Who is it?" Chuuya asked.

"His name is Fyodor D."


"Ahhh~ My plan failed, it seems like it had the wrong effect on her." A man purple eyes, stated with a frown.

"But not all her memories have returned..."

"After all she doesn't remember her friend from school." He said with a smile, holding up a picture of a small girl with (h/c) and bandages smiling with a boy with black hair and purple eyes who wore a mischievous smile on his face .

"Don't worry Y/n-chan, we'll both rid this world of its sins."


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