Chapter 39

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"Did my father always have Demon blood?" I ask Julius as we see Gray practice.

"Yes but it never truly showed until his powers grew and he noticed that the more pureblood he drank the more powers he would get.."

"Does it work that way?"

"Yes, and you can get death penalty for killing another pureblood."

"But literally no one can kill my father because he's a demon.."

"Exactly, he just needs to link to something or someone and he will sleep until then.."

"Even if you kill the link?"

"I read it through and yes even if you kill the link he can still survive.." So killing me won't help..

"Then how can we?"

"The dagger is a strat maybe we can just stab him in the heart with it and make him go back to sleep.." Julius shrugs..

"Maybe.." I stare at Gray and he's just destroying everything and is very fluent with his powers.

"So lets get you in the rink!" He throws a towel at me..


"Yes you, come on lets fight.." Gray smirks.

"Nah I'm good." All of a sudden I am floating and Gray just drops me in front of him.

"Come in maybe we can bring out some powers out of you..." He smirks.

"Maybe I can help." Julius lets Evan come in..

"No!" I snap at them.

"You won't get any better if you keep saying no.." Gray raises his brow. I'm not going to enjoy this..

"Alright lets start!" Gray yells and all of a sudden we here a loud noise from upstairs and we all stare at each other.

We all sped up to the main floor and see everyone surrounding something.. I look and gasp.. A human.

Her blood is insane! It smelled like sweet candy and roses..

"How did she come in?!" Julius yells and everyone stares at him.

"She randomly appeared there sir." Tut says.

"How can a body randomly just appear?" Mia asks.

"Well Kora and I were just walking by when the body just flies down.." Tut responds and we look up the ceiling and it had blood.

I look at Gray and he shakes his head and walks away, he's thinking the same thing as me.. Lucifer is in here..

"Okay, everyone in the classroom we need to talk!" Julius demands and everyone starts walking to the classroom and I walk in and Evan grabs my hand and sits me on his lap.

I see Gray sit at the corner and the room is packed with every student..

"I believe you all know who did this and I understand some of you might be afraid and it's okay to be.." Julius starts and everyone nods.

"I've decided to let you guys go back home.. If you want to leave the academy until we figure out everything you must sign this paper and pack your things and leave by tomorrow morning.." Julius says and people stare at each other and some got up and signed the paper and went out of the room..

"What if we don't leave?" Mathew asks.

"You will stay and fight.. A war is coming to the academy and it will become our job to defend it.." Julius says and nobody else got up.

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