Chapter 32

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"Kamaria! Stop being so dramatic and talk to us!" Gray yells grabbing my arm.

"Look I'm not being dramatic okay, I just saws half my life and I was worse than I am now! I use to kill with no limits and my brother is alive and my father knows where he is and that I'm using a witch to help me and he isn't happy with any of this!"

"So what your running away like a little damsel in distress because your father isn't happy?" He gives me a glare.

"You don't understand what I'm feeling, my father is a strong, powerful man and he is going to hurt somebody because of me! I need to find a way to stop him before anybody else gets hurt.."

"Well lets relax and go back to the dorm and talk about it because being by yourself will only drive you insane.. Stop over thinking everything..." He grabs my hand and leads me back to julie and she stopped her bleeding.

"You okay?" I ask her and she nods and we head back to our dorm.

"So what did you see?" Julie asks as we sit down in the room.

"I saw my mother giving birth to me and my father grabbed me and took me to a witch and put the curse on me.."

"So you saw everything you already knew?" Gray raises his brow, smartass.

"No I saw the weapon that can kill him.."

"What was it!" They both ask in sync.

"A dagger, it was gold and it had an Amethyst on the top."

"Do you know where it's at?" Julie asks quickly.

"No but Julie until we find out where it is please! Please be careful.." I have a horrible feeling but I can't shake it off.

"Did you see something?" Julie asks scared.

"I saw a lot of things Julie but for now on I need you to stay with Nyx both of you stay together and I will try to convince her to switch me rooms so you two aren't alone.."

"Did you see Julie getting hurt?" Gray is starting to get worried.

"Lucifer warned me he was going to hurt somebody I love and he showed me many people and Julie and Nyx were one of them." I look down.

"Son of a bitch! See Julie this is why I told you to stay put!" Gray slams the chair on the wall.

"Hey both of you calm down! He want's us to get all scared but I can handle everything myself!" Julie scolds us.

"I have to go home on friday but I'll be back Saturday for a ball and after the ball I will come back here but until then you and Nyx need to stay together."

"I agree, I promised you I would go talk to mom and dad on Saturday so as soon as I get answers I will come back as well because we are not letting that bastard hurt you guys.." Gray reassures.

"Okay, that sounds fine and until then I will be very careful. I promise." Julie says sincerely.

"Good.." I sigh and lay on the bed.

"What else did you see? Where is your brother?" Julie asks me and Gray lifts my head and places my head on his lap and starts massaging my head and I smile big and look at him and he kisses my forehead.

"He's alive but my mother did something to save him.. "

"Like what?" Gray asks confused.

"She switched his body, she got this witch to switch his body and erase all his memories and gave him new ones."

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