Chapter 7

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"This is going to be your husband." I see a little girl and a lady with light brown hair and I see a very handsome young boy all shy but he approaches her and the little girl backs away and he bows.

"Don't be afraid." He whispers and the little girl looks at him and gives him her hand and he kisses the top of it.

The girl giggles, "You're funny." She makes the little boy blush.

"She will be the perfect bride." The two ladies say and they walk away.

I notice the boy seems a little older than the girl maybe 10 years older. The boy has bright grey eyes and he seems so charming.


I open my eyes slowly and smile big. My first good dream. I stretch and sit up, I look at my room and it just keeps getting bigger to me and I am in love. I feel like a princess.

We shall see how long that princess last....

I frown as that thought comes into my head. I look at the time and it's 9 in the morning on a saturday. First day of the job.

I get up and get dressed and I make my way downstairs to find Julius and Hazel and Venus.

"Good morning." I smile.

"Morning, well we saw her and now we are off." One of the twins say and they both get up and walk out the door.

"Don't worry about them, they naturally stay at school. They actually like the boarding school and it's rare because they never really liked school until recently." He chuckles.

"Maybe found a boyfriend." I wink at him and he laughs.

"Maybe, keep them occupied at least but the twins aren't up yet if you want to get them up." He points to their wing.

"Um, what time do they naturally wake up?" I ask him.

"Well since at school they wake up early, I just let them sleep in." He explains and he gets up and opens the chair next to him and lets me sit and pushes me in.

"Thank you, so they get dressed by themselves right?" I take a muffin.

"Yes, they are old enough to dress themselves but maybe just check on then I guess. Look Kamaria...."

"Just call me Kam." I smile cutting him off.

"Kam," He smiles big making me laugh, "Your job is pretty simple, you literally get them up if you need to, you check on them, play with them, keep them occupied and if they are hungry make them food, also tuck them in at night. They love it."

"Sounds simple enough but knowing me I'm going to take it way to complicate it." I make him laugh.

"Well try not to. The house is big enough for you guys to play whatever you want, just please respect the other rooms and careful in the top hallway all those doors are closed for good reasons." He points to the middle stairs.

"Your room is up there as well right?" I ask curiously and he nods, "Okay. Um what do they like to do?"

"Literally anything active, only at night they like reading before bed but please let me know if they give you a hard time, especially Paige. They are young and don't really understand much that goes on in this house. Plus Paige really misses the sisters because she wants that mother figure and the twins are never here so.." So they are adopted and then why adopt children if you aren't going to care for them?

Well they obviously have enough money and room for children but still poor Paige and Philip.

"Penny for your thoughts." Julius interrupts me.

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