Chapter 18

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"Kam!" I turn around to see Nyx running to me and I smile big.

"Nyx!" I yell and we hug.

"Oh my god, look at you! You are beautiful!" She laughs checking me out in my red uniform.

"You look hot as well." I wink and she poses.

"You think?" She laughs, "Ugh we have so much to talk about!"

She drags me to a bench and sits me down.

"So how you liking the academy so far?" I ask her and she looks around and licks her lips.

"Well there are many attracting guys. Especially from your side, wanna hook me up?" She winks.

"Um I doubt you want any of them plus they are all taken but I'll keep an eye." I poke her side and she pouts but then laughs.

"Ugh I'm glad to be here with my best friend!" She hugs me but all of a sudden the blue sky turns grey and it starts pouring rain and I am in the campus and I look around.

"Nyx!" I yell and I can't see anything.

"Nyx!" thunder starts roaring.

"Kam!" I hear screaming and I start running.

"Nyx!" I yell and I reach the top of the bridge and she's being held by the black shadow.

"NO LEAVE HER ALONE!" I yell and then I am being held back these black shadow ropes and the more I move they burn my skin.

"Kam!" Nyx cries.

"Stop please, she has nothing to do with this..."

"My dear daughter, your transformation isn't done yet. Tell me Kamaria why do you fight it?" The shadow asks in his demonic voice that send fear over me.

"I made a promise!"

"Well in order to finish this you need pain.." He stabs Nyx in the back and she starts bleeding.

"NO!" I yell and I run to her and the rain is just falling on us and I touch her face and try waking her up.

"NYX!" I scream.


"Nyx!" I jump in my bed and I gasp and grab my face.

"Damn it!" I scream and I throw the lamp across the room and Evan and Arias run into my room.

"What's wrong?" They asks looking at me.

"My nightmares won't stop!" I scream at them and they both just stand there, "What are you two standing there for? Get out! You can't help me plus I don't need your pity! Get out!" I throw a pillow at the door and they stare at me but they don't move.

"I said get out!" I scream and I push them out with my powers and I slam the door and lock it.

"What have I done?" I whisper to myself and I cry. Why me? Why...What are these dreams? How come all this is happening to me, I'm nobody! I'm..I'm just some orphan who's paren't didn't want and threw me away and now my mom is dead, I keep having nightmares, I'm a vampire and every single day I get more confused about who I really am!!

I am getting to the bottom of this. I get up and get dressed and I walk into Julius office.

"Ah Kamaria, heard that you found out about more powers, come sit." He points to the chair and I close the door and lock it.

"Julius.. tell me the truth. Please. These nightmares are killing me." I beg him and he gets serious.

"Kam I wish telling you about your past would help with the nightmares but they wont..."

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