Chapter 30

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"We have to find the opening.." I say quickly and we start moving the books but there isn't a thing there.

"Wait!" Gray stops me and we both hear movement and we walk slowly to the opening and we peak and we see a light.

"Ah yes! My sweet girl come to me." We hear a deep voice say. We keep looking into me and then the rustling stops.

"I hear someone..." The man says.

"There's nobody here.." Another man voice says.

"I sense them!" The voice whispers and we stare but then an eye pops up and Gray pulls me back and covers my mouth because the man scared me and I gasped.

"Someone is out there! Go check!" He yells. Gray and I stare at each other because we can't move without being seen but we can't warn Julie either... she's going to get caught! SHIT!

"Julie..." I whisper to Gray..

"I know!" He sounds nervous and worried..

"We have to jump out of the window!" He pulls me to the window..

"No you go and warn Julie! I'm going to stay!" I pull him away and we the rustling getting worse.

"You're fucking stupid no come with me!" He grabs my arm.

"Shut up and go save your sister!" I push him away.

"If you get caught yell and I'll come help you!" He says.

"Yes now go!" He jumps out the window and I close it and hide under this empty bookshelf..

I don't see the door open but instead a person walks into the room through the regular door. They start checking everything and even the windows.

"I told you there wasn't anyone here!" He says.

"I felt them.." Another voice says but there's only one person is that possible?

"Do you feel them now?"

"Something is lingering and feels off."

"Well I checked everything, nobody has touched anything nor disrupted.. Look the girl is going to wake up soon!"

"Okay let's continue then!" I hear a growl and I cover my mouth and see the strange man walk away.. Was he talking to himself? This could be a case of schizophrenia and he's a psychopath...

I wait about 10 minutes and I hear the door open again, "Kam?" it's Grayson.

I climb out of the spot and we both run out of the room and go to my dorm.

"What did you see?" They ask me.

"It was a stranger and he was talking to somebody else but there was only the one man in the room but I could hear two different voices and they sent shivers down my spine I don't have a good feeling.."

"What do you mean two different voices but one man.." Gray asks confused.

"I don't know Gray, it was strange. It was like someone was there with him but I looked around I only saw one man standing there."

"Well we did only see one shadow go in.." Julie adds to the weirdness.

"Maybe the man has a second person in him? " Gray suggests.

"Is that even possible?" I change into nightwear in the bathroom and come out.

"Yes it is. When a spirit is awaken but has no body it can transfer from one body to the next..But that must be one powerful spirit.." Julie looks worried.

Creatures of the NightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin