Chapter 22

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We end up meeting Julie and we talk about stuff and then it was time to get ready for class.

"Wow you look sexy! Like seriously you are going to drive the boys insane over there." Julie checks me out and I get a text from Gray saying he was already at the class and to hurry it he felt uncomfortable. For a person that didn't want to go he showed up early hmm.

"Well your bother is already over there so I have to go.."

"Wait! Kam!" I look at Julie


"I think I found a spell to help you sleep and get rid of your nightmares!"

"Oh my god really?" I sit down with her.

"Yes but I need something before so I will get them and keep you updated I mean it shouldn't be so hard to get those pesky things out. " She smiles and I hug her and kiss the top of her head.

"Thank you so much and I'll see you later!" I walk out and the campus was empty.

"Miss Kuro." The guards open the gate and I smile. Here we go!

I walk into the dorm and everyone was already in the class.

"Well look at you! I think this uniform is worse than the other!" Julius says.

"What? Really?" I ask worried fixing my skirt.

"I mean in attracting. It looks good but maybe a little too good? What size pants you wear?" He jokes with me.

"You scared me!" I laugh.

"Come on class is about to start." He walks with me and he knocks on the door and everyone gets quite and we both walk in and everyone bows but their eyes weren't on Julius but on me.

The guys were drooling and the girls just looked shocked. I felt uncomfortable. I feel eyes burning on me but specific ones, Evan's.

He was gawking at me and almost undressing me and he bites his lips and my legs go weak and I tighten my legs together and stand up straighter because it helps and my grip on my book tightens. Why does he have that affect on me?

I sense Gray's eyes on me too but his were more calming because I know him more and I'm much more comfortable with him and I smile at him and he winks at me.

"Alright Class we have two new students Grayson West and Kamaria Kuro. Any questions?" Julius asks and I glare at him, what do you mean questions? This isn't show and tell time!

"Is she really from the Kuro family and blood line?" This guy asks and everyone stares at him and he shrugs and everyone makes fun of him and throws paper at him. "Hey it was a question!"

"Yes she is and she is very shy so be nice." Julius says and Grayson is chuckling in the back because he knows I am not having fun.

"Who wouldn't be nice to a Pureblood, we literally have to obey everything she says." A girl with purple hair says.

"Actually, no you don't. Um I didn't really know anything of my bloodline since a couple of days ago and I rather not boss people around I mean by all means do what you please, just keep me out of drama and no bowing please!" I finally speak out and everyone's mouth flies open.

"Headmaster are you sure she's a pureblood?" A guy with red hair asks and they all laugh.

"You do understand that its in honors and respect that we do things for you right?" Another girl says she has blonde hair.

"Yea, its how our parents raised us. We were all raised with a legend of Celine and Lucifer the greatest of all time and now we have their only child here? Its in our best to treat you here like royalty." A guy with blonde hair says and Gray rolls his eyes.

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