Chapter 37

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"I guess after your father woke up there was no reason to hide your memories anymore.." Julius says to us.

"What could our father be planning?" Gray asks Julius.

"After his little game, I'm lost. I need to think back at everything and see where it all went wrong.." Julius sighs.

"I know.." They all look at me, "He's going to come after us and now since he's free he's probably going to kill so many humans to become strong again and once he is strong he is going to kill all of us.."

"Well we have to plan while he gets stronger." Evan states.

"Yea, while he gets stronger so do we.." Arias walks into the room.

"It isn't that easy.." Julius states. The dagger...

"Wait! In my dream the dagger!" I turn to Gray, "When he put the curse on me this witch used a gold dagger with an amethyst stone on it and the other witch used it to kill Caspian.. maybe we can kill him with that.."

"Yea but we have no idea where that dagger could be.."

"Here.." Gray pulls out the dagger, "My mother was the witch that switched my body and she ended up keeping me as her adoptive son.."

"But you can't simply just stab him.." Arias snorts.

"Well no but we have to figure out how to use it and we only have a little bit of time." Evan says.

"As for meanwhile Grayson you are free to stay here while we figure something out.." Julius offers to Gray.

"Thank you." Gray nods.

"What about the academy?" I ask.

"Act like normal but maybe send them all home after the winter ball.." Julius says.

"When is this winter ball?" I raise my brow.

"Maybe two weeks from now..." Arias calculates.

"That should be fine to get students moving and planning.." Gray agrees.

"Wait! The twins!" I snap.

"What about Hazel and Venus?" Arias asks confused.

"No, my babies! He's out and I saw them in my dreams and my dreams show me the future... He's going after Paige and Philip next!" Julius shoots up.

"I'm going to get them from school!" He walks away and Arias follows him quickly.

"I'm going to rest.." I stand up and kiss Evan and walk away.

I reach my room and see the rose and grab it and lay on the bed.



"Yes mother?" I run to her.

"I brought you something.." She smiles big and sits down with me on the green grass.

"What is it?" I ask excitedly I'm 8 years old.

"A magical rose." She hands it to me and I giggle.

"What so magical? Can it make my wishes come true?" I ask her and she laughs.

"No but this rose was enchanted by the most powerful witch and vampire ever and this rose will never die and as long as it's with you it shall stay that way and I will always be by your side.."

"The most powerful vampire? Is that you?" I jump on her.

"Soon enough it will be you.." She kisses me.

Creatures of the NightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora