Chapter 15

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"I haven't seen Gray all week!" Julie sighs.

"Maybe he still isn't feeling well." I suggest.

"Do you think he will show up for the party, he did say he would go."

"Um speaking about the party...."

"No! Kam you are not backing out on me!"

"I have nothing to wear! Plus I haven't gone out to the town since I've gotten here and just randomly going to a random stranger's house kinda scares me."

"I'll be there and plus I will go look for Gray and make sure he is coming with us."

"Are you sure you want to bug Gray?"

"Well he liked you, how about you go look for him!" She winks at me and I blush.

"Look for who?" I turn to see Gray smiling and he puts his arm around us but he's cold just like the Nights. I guess the whole Alaska thing is true.

"Jesus boy you are cold!" Julie jumps out of his grip and we laugh.

"Kam seems to not mind it." He kisses my cheek and I blush crimson and Julies wolf whistles.

"Are you okay?" I ask him worried.

"Yea, I mean I felt sick. I think I got a cold or something."

"Eww don't kiss me!" I push him away and he smirks.

"Why not? Maybe I should just hold you!" He grabs me by the waist and hugs me and I try pushing him off but all of a sudden he freezes and yet again I feel the tension.....That fire and it's igniting me as well its like if we were batteries and we both start a little spark and it ignites our hormones.

I look up and his eyes are black and I've only seen those eyes on Evan when he wants to play with me....He's starring at me like if I was his next meal..

"You okay?" I whisper but he frowns and pushes me away and he holds his head.

"Look I'll just see you guys later." He says angry and he grunts and walks off.

"Did I do something?" I ask Julie and then I felt the burning sensation start again and this time I can't help but clench my fist because I know exactly who causes me to lose control..

"Kamaria?" I turn to see Evan starring at me with angry eyes.

"What do you want?" I force myself to say because I don't want to show he causes me so much fuss and makes me lose control over myself.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Why? You've been avoiding me this whole week." I snap at him and he smirks and waves off Julie and she does.

"I'll see you later at the dorm." She runs off.

"Really? Why do you do that?" I turn to face him and he actually smiles like he wants to laugh, nice to know I cause him laughter.

"Do what?" Oh he's acting so innocent, I really wish I could knock down his ego a few notches.

"Intimidate people.."

"Do I really? Do I intimidate you?" He moves in closer to me I swallow really hard because the closer he gets the more the fire starts in my stomach and my heart starts beating faster and my knees start shaking like an earthquake.

"N...NO!" I stare into his eyes of lust and dominance.

"Really? Then why can I hear your heart beating fast and your clenching your fist." He whispers into my ear and his voice is so seducing and warm and confident.

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