The Dora's ( Revamped)

Start from the beginning

" I wasn't informed of a viewing ", I interject.

" Not to worry, I will make sure you are ready and fully prepared for it. The viewing is a self reveal to Wakanda. You'll be put in a room with reporters and they will take pictures of you and ask you questions about yourself and your family. This is Wakanda's introduction to you as Royalty. After that, you're second viewing will be after you're crowned princess of Wakanda. You will go on a victory lap through the city with your husband and greet people. It will be a festival thrown for you both, a celebration of sorts. Aren't you excited ? ", Suko smiled warmly at me.

I knew she asked because my face read fear or uncertainty. The uncertainty didn't stem from not wanting to be with T'challa. The uncertainty came from fear of embarrassing myself. I had a big a problem with failure, something instilled into me since I was born.

" Absolutely ", I force a smile back.

" I have some things planned for you today. I am very excited to start. First things first, we have to get you a new wardrobe. Your clothes from Cai are very different from what we wear here. Not to worry, we will fix that right away. I'll be sure to have a few clothing racks sent to your room, and you'll just pick out whatever you like. That should take about 1-2 hours and then we can get on with our other plans. Are you ready ? ", she

" Of course. I'll see you at Dinner ", I say goodbye to Shuri and Romanda, leaving them at the dining table. Suko and I go to the room that T'challa and I were sharing. It was so strange to call it " Our " room. I knew that one day it would feel right. I knew one day that term " our room " would come naturally to me.

" So, what does your personal style consists of ? What do you wear ", she scrolled through dress options on her Kimoyo bead.

" Well when I'm around my house I really like comfortable things that are easy to take off. I come from Cai, and it's mostly dessert there so I don't like anything too heavy unless the occasion calls for it. So that's short (cloth or jean), tank tops, crop tops, sandals, or thin summer dresses. Wakanda's weather is so moderate now, there isn't a place in Africa this fair all the time. It's the perfect weather, not too hot or cold. So I guess I don't have to change my style that much ", I asses.

" I've already picked ten clothing racks of causal wear for you. Now tell me more about your formal style. What do you like ? ", she pointed her finger at the holographic screen on her bead, ready to basically take my order.

I picked from each style of clothing with a minimum of ten racks. That includes shoe racks, accessory racks and a rack that I never thought I'd have to choose from. Undergarments. These undergarments ranged from matching bra and underwear sets, too something much more scandalous. I looked back at Suko hesitantly but she nodded in approval.

" Not to worry your grace, this is protocol. You are to be a newly wedded woman. You'll need undergarments to match the occasion of consummating the marriage. It's ritual.  ", she encouraged. I turn back around and choose a few skimpy pieces strictly by color. I had no clue what enticed a man like T'challa, but I seemed to work him up on my own just fine.

After picking a couple sets out, she sent the last of the dressing racks out of the room. It was just us now besides for the servants that filled my closet up with all the additional clothes and accessories that I had picked out. I noticed Suko watching my own expression, seemingly amused at my confusion.

" There is something I must talk to you about, though I'm sure your mother already informed you. Now that you are to be an addition to the royal must not fornicate with your Prince until the night of your wedding. Times have changed in Wakanda, but this rule is as old as civilization here began. Your purity is needed for judgement by Bast. You understand this ? ", Suko acknowledged the big elephant in the room.

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