Veronica was always genuinely interested in my well-being, it made me feel visible and wanted. From the moment I lived in Los Angeles, she made it possible for me to get through everything. Sometimes I do miss working here, but it isn't necessary anymore

''I'm doing okay,'' I said with a smile on my face that was brighter than how I honestly felt. Veronica wouldn't be Veronica, if she didn't notice my behaviour. She cocked her head to the right and furrowed her eyebrows – not fully believing my words.

''Lying to the people you care about is not your biggest talent.'' Veronica mentioned, and she cracked a smile. Being aware of the fact I was going to open up after her words. ''What is really going on, darling?'' And she laid her hand on mine.

I bit on my bottom lip. It was harder than I expected it to be. She hadn't seen how I was doing over the course of two years, neither had Veronica an idea about my feelings right now. Everything was all over the place, but her eyes made me realize she wanted me to tell her everything. Even if it was going to take hours until the story would be finished.  She nodded her head gently, encouraging me to start.

''It's been rough.'' I started, and I could already feel the heaviness in my heart – protesting against bringing up the brutal years. But Veronica's kindness was more powerful than any of my thoughts to hold me back. She kept her hand on mine, squeezing it now and then to show me. ''When I worked at the Moulin Rouge, I fell hopelessly in love with my boss.''

''That handsome man who showed up regularly?'' She asked in a soft tone.

''Yes,'' I breathed out. ''I knew he wanted me, but first it was lust only. Until I made him clear I wasn't going to be around for pleasure, and that work was my first priority. I wanted to chase my dream here in Los Angeles.'' I explained, a massive grin was across my face as I reminded myself of the feeling I got when I first arrived here.

''I was consistently drawn to him. We argued, but in a fun way. Then we grew closer, emotionally. We were slowly but surely falling for one another, but afraid to say l love you. We went to New York City together, and it was so magical it warms my heart when I think about it.'' I spoke. ''But how we ended up when we arrived back in LA was less exciting.''

''What happened, love?'' Veronica questioned.

I sighed and leaned with my head on the palm of my hand. ''He ended up getting the wrong results for a test, so he was convinced by his corruptive friend William that I caused him a STD. Harry distanced himself from me, so abruptly. I was furious, but completely confused by his behaviour.''

I drank from the milkshake again, as I noticed my mouth was extremely dry from talking consistently.

''Eventually we worked things out, but not before he proved himself to me. I wasn't going to give in so easily, when he treated me like a stranger. We got into a relationship and things were going great, but then there was this drama that I never saw coming.'' I said. ''We went to Texas, to see and let him meet my family. He knows that they play an important role in my life. One night we got into this argument, since he found out that I had been engaged a long time ago.''

''Really? As in proper engaged?'' Veronica asked in shock.

I nodded, I could relive the feeling of Harry's eyes burning into mine whilst he said that. ''I had put the past behind me. That guy never mattered to me after I left him for good. But not telling Harry that bit of history was wrong. That was not the reason for why I felt bloody horrendous for two years.''

''Two years?'' Veronica asked in panic.

''Yes,'' I replied.

''Darling,'' She said, and I knew she was feeling sorry for me.

Lush Expiration | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now