Beginning (Revamped)

Comenzar desde el principio

" I suppose so ", I respond weakly, still staring at his mouth. It was unintentional, my attraction to him. I had no idea that he'd make my heart flutter in this way. For years I just saw him as a friend or peer, not a love interest. Not until now.

" I'd like to know more about you ", he insisted.

" Well, I joined football, focused on my training and graduated from highschool with flying colors. You speak of repetitiveness, something I know all too well. Having been....prepared for this moment my entire life, I can't venture off too far. I've never done anything too drastic for fear of my safety. Playing sports was something my Father almost did not let me do. After bribing him I was able to do so. No boyfriends, no crazy parties, no drinking. Just a simple life, as simple as it could get ", I smiled sadly.

A part of me did miss out on a lot. I felt closed in and sheltered in some ways. I hoped that coming to Wakanda would help me experience some of the things I've always wanted to do.

" I'll be sure not to waste your time then. After the wedding I'll take you somewhere nice. Somewhere you haven't been before. Tell me one place you've always wanted to go ? ", he asked.

" Hawaii...strangely enough. My Father went on a trip there when I was small. He sent me a post card with the picture on the back of it. I always wanted to go there. In fact I used to have dreams of it. It's so different than Cai. It's hot but at least it's not desert like where I lived ", I chuckled.

" Then it is settled, Princess Harper will visit Hawaii. For as long as she pleases ", he grinned.

" What do you enjoy doing when you aren't being pulled in every which way. What does the prince of Wakanda watch on television ? ", I raise a brow at him.

" During my alone time I read a lot. I'm not much of a television person but I enjoy the occasional action film. I sometimes listen to music, especially during my workouts. I also enjoy baking though I rarely have the time to do so. I like to sleep as well, I need my rest but I hardly get it. Duty calls I guess, but that's probably what comes first for me during my down time. Sleeping and eating. What about you. What do you enjoy ?  ", the swing started rocking again from the shift of his feet.

" I love being outside, swimming, or going on long drives. That's my ideal free time. And of course sleeping, staring at the ceiling. I don't get much sleep though, I have an insomnia problems - just a disclaimer ", I chuckle.

" Insomnia. That's not good. I think I will be able to help you with that. When I first became the Black Panther, I could not sleep for months. My body was running off of pure adrenaline. It's not good for you to be ON all the time. It messes with your brain ", he insisted. He already cared.

" We are high born children. We are always on. Even when we don't want to be ", I sighed sadly. Realizing that I just complained, my eyes widened. I didn't mean to say that, but it's like he pulled the words right out of me. I thought back to something my mother once said.

" A Princess should always be pleased to do whatever she is asked. You have to set an example. You are expected to do things that others can't. There is no time to whine or pout about unfairness. Life itself is unfair "

I saw his face, and it would seem that something opened up inside of him. I didn't want to come across ungrateful or spoiled so I back tracked.

" I'm....I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I mean I love being - ", he shushed me.

" No I get it. Trust me I understand more than you think. It's a lot of pressure. I like honesty Harper. You will find that it will take you a long way with me. Don't beat yourself up about it ", he rested his hand on mine reassuringly. He was very warm, almost like his blood was boiling. The touch was comforting like his eyes. I couldn't help but to stare.

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