Chapter 1

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I don't usually do Authors Notes at the beginning but I thought it say hi first😂

So this is my.....6th fanfic. Wait, is it?! Oml😂 So Hi, Im guessing you prob read my crappy description (yeah I should prob work on my descriptions XD) and thought ye'd read this..probably anyway.. wtf just get on with it m8

So anyway, Hi... I'll prob start with what this fic will probably contain (it might not though)


-Sexual references

-Maybe self harm


So thats basically all I needed to write apart from Ciao and welcome to meh fanfic, thanks for deciding to start reading😂



I stared aimlessly out of my bedroom window, the stars twinkling brightly and lighting up the night sky.

'I wish I was as beautiful as the stars..' I muttered, dreamily to myself.

'You will be son, when we get your condition sorted out.' My dad said, standing in the doorway. I rolled my eyes and restrained myself from telling him that he should've knocked. 

'It's not a condition dad, it's who I am. Just because society doesn't accept it, doesn't mean you have to go with the bullshit they come out with.' I spat.

My dad frowned, 'You're just confused, get some sleep, we'll talk in the morning.'

I sighed and nodded, climbing down from my ledged window sill and under my bed covers, 'Night dad.' I murmured.

'Night son.' He smiled, walking over and ruffling my hair before closing the door gently.

I waited until I could hear his footsteps reach the bottom of the stairs before climbing back out of bed and gazing out the window once again. I sighed at the beauty of the sky and yearned that one day I could travel the world and see it from a better view than from my dirty bedroom window.

I shifted on the window sill, feeling a spider crawl out from the crack in the corner, 'Hello.' I whispered as I cupped it in my hand.

I felt a tear slide down my face as I heard my parents arguing again. Its become a frequent thing, they do it every night now.

I groaned and hit me head lightly against the window.

I just wish I wasn't gay. 

I wiped my eyes and looked at my reflection in the window. My skin was pale and my eyes were tired and had no spark in them, massive dark circles hovered under my eyes and my hair was untidy and greasy.

I quickly looked away, no longer wanting to look.

My parents voices from downstairs got louder and louder until they were practically screaming at each other. I sighed and rested my head against the window, letting my eyes softly shut. 

Why can't my parents just accept me for who I am?

No doubt they're arguing about me.

All of a sudden, the arguing stopped. I opened my eyes and crept down from the window ledge and to the door. 

I pressed my ear against the door to try and hear if they were still talking.

'Okay, I'll do it. But please Jeuse, remember, he'll always be our son. No matter what.' I heard my mom say.

'I know. But its what's best for him. And for us.' My dad whispered.

What's best for me?

Thoughts were racing through my head at this point as I pressed my ear harder against the door.

I heard the phone numbers being dialled, who were they calling?

All I could hear was the low mumbling of my moms voice. 

I groaned in frustration and sloped down the door. Who are they calling and what has it got to do with me?

I heard the phone being put down, 'They'll be here in a minute.' My mom sighed.

Who'll be here in a minute? What's going on?

The sound of feet coming up the stairs made me rush back to my bed and dive under the covers, I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

I heard the door creak open, 'Kells?' My moms voice spoke softly.

I sat up slightly, 'Yeah?' I muttered back.

She walked in my room, gently closing the door behind her.

She sniffed and sat on the edge of my bed, 'What ever happens, just know Your dad and I, we love you so very much. Okay Honey?' She whispered, kissing my forehead and wiping a falling tear from her cheek.

'What?' I asked.

'Kell, please remember that.' She said, 'Yeah, I love you too mom, what's happening?' I said, confused.

She smiled a sad smile and tucked my hair behind my ear, 'You've grown up to be such a beautiful boy Kells.'

'Mom, what's going on?' I asked, my heart beating fast, but before she could answer, the door burst open and men wearing rubber gloves and masks barged in.

'Is this him?' One of them asked.

My dad, who was standing behind them, guiltily nodded.

I looked at my Mom in terror, 'I love you Kells.' She sobbed.

'W-whats going on?' I stuttered.

'M'am, please step away from him, it could be contagious.' The masked man said.

'W-what, Am I ill?' I cried.

My dad nodded, 'Sorry son, it's just not right to like the same gender. We're sending you to get help, okay?'

'W-what? No! There's nothing wrong with me!' I screamed as one of the men grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my room, I watched my mom sob into my pillow until I was taken out of her sight.

They pulled me down the stairs and out into the cold winters night, my body freezing as I was only wearing a vest and some baggy jogging bottoms.

'Please, theres been a mistake!' I sobbed, 'I'm not gay, I promise!' 

'Sorry Kid, I've heard that one before.' One of the guys said, chucking me into the back of the van and slamming the door, plunging me into darkness.

'Please!' I begged.

But no one replied.

I was alone and being taken away from my family.

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