She nodded and put her earbuds in, signaling that the conversation was over as she leaned her head against my shoulder and closed her eyes. I drifted off soon after, consumed by my own thoughts.


We were both greeted by our families once we arrived in Miami, Camila on one end of the airport and myself on the other. We didn't have time to kiss goodbye or even say, "See you later," but there was no need. We both knew we'd see each other soon enough and there would be plenty of time for kissing once we were back in LA.

"Lauren!" my mom exclaimed, running over to me and scooping me up in a warm embrace. "Look at you! You look so grown up."

"Mom, I've only been gone for like a month and a half," I chuckled.

"That's a long time for a parent," she sobbed.

My dad hugged me next, squeezing me so tightly that I was sure I would pop.

"I've been watching every single episode. I'm so, so proud of you, baby," he praised.

I smiled as he let go and Chris held out his hand for me to fist bump.

"What, no hug?" I teased.

"I didn't miss you that much," he replied.

Taylor finally pulled me into her arms and told me about how Fifth Harmony was the hottest topic in school. We were all anyone could talk about, and the local news station had even stopped by my high school to interview a few of my classmates. I was shocked by the amount of attention we were receiving. We were the underdogs, landing in the bottom spot almost every week, but still, people believed in us. It was gratifying.

We all piled into my dad's car and began the drive back to our suburban neighborhood in the outskirts of Miami, my entire family asking me questions about the show and other contestants and everything in between. The only topic they avoided was the girls, and I was a little confused as to why. Once I was settled back into my own room we all sat down for dinner in our usual spots. I was glad to see that not much had changed since the show started. We were still the same family.

"So Lauren, let me ask you something," my dad said, a sarcastic but serious tone to his voice.

Oh boy, here we go.

"What's it like with the other girls? Are they nice, do you get along?" he continued.

"We have to get along. We would never get anywhere if we sat around bickering all the time. They're my best friends," I explained.

My dad took a sip of his drink and laughed once, casting a quick glance in my moms direction.

"Your mother and I were actually discussing how ironic it is that you ended up in a group with Camila after all the competition with her," he pressed.

You don't know the half of it.

"Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I'd rather be her friend than her competitor. She's crazy talented," I rambled. "And really smart, actually. I don't think we gave her enough credit. I mean, she's shy, but once you get to know her she's like a ray of sunshine. She's so funny and adorable."

"Are you her girlfriend or her bandmate?" Chris joked.

"I still think you would have beat her," my dad added. "I think you could beat all those girls."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad you've made it so far in the competition but I think it was stupid for Simon to put you in a group. You're too unique to be in a group," he explained.

Should Have Known (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now