"Stop doing that," I groaned.


"That face. That face you make every time I admire you, like you don't believe anything that I see," I explained.

"I don't," she admitted sheepishly.

"Well, that doesn't really matter, does it?" I teased. "Because you're not the one that gets to do this."

I reached behind her and unhooked her bra strap, allowing the garment to stay attached to her body as I pushed her back onto the bed and trailed gentle kisses across her jawbone, down her neck, and on the middle of her chest.

"Lauren," she sighed.

"Shh, you're perfect," I promised her.

I sat up momentarily and removed my jeans, pulling them off and throwing them on the floor before kissing her again. My hand moved up and down her side and slid up her arm as I gripped the bra strap that sat loosely against her skin and pulled it off of her, our lips never separating. I kissed every inch of her body, my lips finding their way down her abdomen and causing her stomach muscles to tighten in response. I stopped just above her waistline and rested my fingertips on the inside of her thigh.

"Are you still okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," she answered breathlessly, her tone raspy and hoarse.

I continued once she had answered, my hand resting against the fabric of her jeans as I found my way back to her mouth, our lips connecting once again as I rubbed her center. She arched her back underneath me, her hips moving in synchrony with my hand, and I smiled against her kiss.

"You should probably take my bra off," I laughed against her lips.

"Oh...right," she squeaked, her hands immediately unclasping the strap and pulling the garment off of me.

I unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs. She kicked them off and took off her own underwear, doing the same to me soon after.

"Lauren..." she said. "Is this your first time?"

I kissed her once and pulled back, staring into those deep chocolate eyes that I adored so much.

"Yeah, it is," I answered.

She nodded and reconnected our lips. I could taste the desire on her tongue and it burned like fire. I wanted to be with her, no doubt, but I could tell that she craved me in a way that she didn't even know was possible. She wanted to give me every piece of her, and I was more than willing to accept them.

I slipped one finger inside of her, causing her to thrust upward as a small moan escaped her lips. She held onto my hips tightly as though if she were to let go, she would crumble to pieces right in the middle of the bed. We were chest to chest, moving against each other in harmony. The feeling of her bare skin against mine sent chills throughout my whole body. I felt one of her hands move to my center and she inserted a finger inside as well, slowly and unsurely at first, but matching my pace after a while. I felt every breath that she took as her chest heaved with pleasure, felt her heart beat clashing with my own, tasted the spot between her neck and shoulder that caused her to shiver when I sucked on it. I memorized every detail of her.

I pulled back when I reached my climax, a light moan escaping my lips. I continued to work on Camila, knowing that the job wasn't quite done. She jerked upward and let her head fall back onto the pillow, her muscles tightening as she shuddered underneath me.

"Lauren," she moaned, but I cut her off with a kiss and finished, collapsing on the bed next to her as she still lay there, chest heaving and sweat dripping from every pore.

Should Have Known (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now