Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:


Arjun leaned forward from his chair and banged his head on the table in front of him.


No way in hell...

No way.. It was just a moment of stupidity..

Yes, that was it.

Arjun even though he flirted with many, he had never liked anyone let alone love anyone. He had never flirted with them with a serious intention. It was all fun and just that.


Maya was a psycho...

A psycho...

Remember Arjun... Remember... Remember how the four months were to you.. How it was, because of her, he had to stay away from his family and all..

But it was not her fault that his family didn't understand him.

Also how she took him along with her to various countries..

But he enjoyed them...

Remember how she tried to buy everything you liked thinking she could buy you with money..

But she brought everything I liked even though it was a bit overdone..

Remember how restricted you felt when she didn't allow you to drink or eat anything unhealthy..

But that was for my own health..

Remember that she broke up with you and threw away like you were some toy..

Yeah.. But it was not how I felt..

Arjun banged his head again and again in the table just so those confusing two voices in his head would shut the hell up.

Arjun lifted his head and rubbed it with his hand in determination..

She was a Psycho... And he, Arjun Sharma, the great, would never fall for a Psycho, obsessive person..

That was it...

He was no way in heaven and hell worried about what Maya was doing with Samay in the cabin which no one could see from outside.

Arjun gritted his teeth..

He was just worried about Samay..

Yes, he was worried that Maya would do something to him..

Arjun gripped his hair..

Maya wouldn't do anything to Samay? Right?

Like hug him or kis....

No way...

Concentrate Arjun... God! Damn it, concentrate on your work..


Samay looked at her from the opposite of the table..

She hadn't changed at all..


Beautiful and young...

Elegant as always...

Confident that she was doing everything great...

Arrogant that she could do anything..

Terrific that she could swallow you up in her maya.


She had changed...

She had matured more and there was some sort of weariness in her eyes he couldn't understand.

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