Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:


Arjun tried to look at the sky through the rain as he laid with his hands spread, facing the sky from his rooftop...

Rain drops felt like little arrows, piercing his skin, making him feel alive rather than numb..

Arjun laid there like that, squinting his eyes as he could not see anything clearly because of the rain..

Then the rain stopped after few minutes but still Arjun laid there, ignoring the trembling of his body...

Arjun even ignored his wet clothes and the chillness and his body's begging for warmth instead he laid there curled up like a ball, hugging himself.

Arjun hugged himself tighter..

It felt as if he let go of himself, then he would fall apart..

Arjun's mind was focused on two words..





Later the words added up in his mind tormenting him.

~~Let me out dad

Hands are coming at me~~

Arjun couldn't imagine little Maya going through the abuse.

It felt as if his heart was pierced with sharp pins whenever he tried to imagine a very little Maya being beaten, pulled around..

The lift scene was still fresh in his mind...

How the doctor said she would have died hyperventilating. .

Arjun could still remember it... How she had panicked, how she was shaking like a leaf in the storm, how her breath quickened, how she was not conscious of where she was and how she struggled to breath..

She was afraid of dark, he had noticed it once..

She was not afraid of lift but she was afraid when she was trapped in the lift.

She was afraid when she was trapped...

And Arjun shuddered, not because he felt cold with his wet cloths but because he remembered the parking area incident..

Was she assaulted sexually..?

Arjun hugged himself tighter...

Arjun didn't want to but his mind had already conjured enough images of little Maya being abused by that bastard..

How much pain she must have gone through..

As far as Arjun knew Maya didn't have any close relatives other than her mother.

A child who had no one to look up to, no one to guide or teach what was right or what was wrong..

All that child must have known was being beaten up or starving..

No one to show love, kindness or understanding..

Arjun's heart ached for the child Maya..

He knew every parent slapped their child's wrist sometimes or twist their ears but what Maya endured must have been beyond that..

Arjun didn't know what happened in her past but his mind was busy conjuring all images of her worst childhood..

Did Maya even know it was wrong of her father to abuse her like that..?

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