Chapter 14

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Just as the lift closed and moved to what might be for few seconds, suddenly the lift has stopped and the dim light was cut off.

Maya gripped her skirt very tightly letting go of her clutch in fear..

The blackness was surrounding her.

All she could saw was darkness and nothing more..

She didn't know how but there wasn't enough oxygen for her to inhale all of a sudden. She could feel the walls of the lift closing in on her.

She could feel her whole world narrowing down to the darkness. Maya hugged herself, her legs gave out, not able to standing the violent trembling of her body.

She slid on the floor, a corner of the lift.

She pulled her knees and hugged herself, shaking back and forth trying hard to breathe..

She squeezed her eyes shut not wanting to remember her past..

She couldn't...

She couldn't afford to remember her memories...

No... No... No....

But her mind came up with one of her past memory anyway..

Suddenly all Maya could remember was being nine...

She was locked in the basement room by her father for two days..

Maya begged her mother not to leave her alone but she did anyway leaving her with this person, saying that to trust her dad. Her very own mother was drinking somewhere, not caring about her because of Ashwin being with another woman..

It had been two days...

Two whole days in here..

The basement room let dim light in and that too only in the morning, but night surrounded her with complete darkness.

Maya was so hungry, so hungry that she could eat anything.

But what she felt so embarrassed about was that there was no bathroom and the room smelled because of what she had to do in the other side of the room..

Maya was sitting in a corner of the room trying to understand what she had done to deserve this..?

This hell..?

Maya was so afraid of dark and Ashwin took sadistic pleasure in locking her in basement..

But still the child Maya's face had no trace of tears..

How long could a nine year old cry for two days..?

Her stomach seemed to be eating itself.. Her stomach let out a pitiful sound, but she couldn't do anything to help it. If she had to stay here one more day, she would eat the insects in here because she couldn't tolerate the hunger for more than today.

She knew it was disgusting and people might call her strange but she couldn't take the hunger. She couldn't die here... She had to live... She had to leave this place and she had yet to see the world..

Her throat sore from screaming for help and apologies to her sadistic father and that too without any water for two days.

To top it all she had panic attacks and felt like there was not enough air for her to breathe. She choked on her breath and coughed, her lungs wheezing.

She had fever and cold too along with gnawing hunger, refusing her any mercy..

But these were all not what bothered her but what hurt more are the bruises she got with the recent beatings she got from Ashwin.

Beyhadh FF: I Fell In Love With A PsychoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora