Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:


Maya was fast asleep when she was in Arjun's arms..

No one would believe she was insomniac if they saw her sleep like this..



Her shirt smelled of Arjun and his cologne and she was in his arms, snuggling against him...

How could she not fall asleep...?

What more she needed to sleep peacefully...?

Arjun looked at her one more time before he opened the door.. He knew they would be probably worried about him and would ask questions and he wouldn't have any peace once he entered his home so he looked at her still snuggling against his neck...

Somehow it felt more intimate to bring her home like this, in his arms, her face against his and knowing that he loved her all the same.

His hands were fine since he rested in the car well enough and he felt good because his fever was almost gone..

Arjun kicked the door to make a sound, his grip on her tightened afraid she would wake up.

“Who's it?"

Vandana asked aloud before opening the door all the while her mind worrying about her son Arjun...

Maybe it was him knocking the door..

They were already worrying about Arjun.. Saanjh too got up early, staying in their home as Arjun's phone was off too. Arjun didn't mention anything about overstaying in office and he seemed ill when he went to work yesterday..

Maybe the evil Maya made him overwork.. Who knew what the devil was capable of?

Somehow Vandana didn't like her and she knew Maya is not good for his son..

A Satan....

She could feel nothing good about her..

Personally she had nothing against Maya but if she was near her son Arjun then she couldn't take it anymore..

And the four months the fights they had, Arjun leaving her home confirmed the suspicions of Maya...

Vandana would never ever want to be apart with her son and fight like that ever again...

Once she had allowed her evilness but never again she would allow Maya in his life.. No matter what she had to do, she would never allow Maya again in his life. First she had to convince him to leave this job where he was in front of her all the time.

Now only they were breathing fine after all Arjun was free of Maya in his life... Thanks to whatever deity's looking after her son..

She opened the door thinking finally Arjun had come..

Vandana could feel the happiness of seeing him finally home turn to confusion of who was Arjun carrying in his arms to anger when she realized it was the Satan herself he was carrying..

Seeing Vandana aunty silent after opening the door, Saanjh too went to the door along with Ayaan..

“What's going on aunty..? Is it Duffer?"

Saanjh gasped silently in shock, Ayaan mirroring it..

It was the second time he was carrying her home..

“Can you all please move..?"

They moved but couldn't find it in themselves to not question..

“Duffer... Why are you carrying her.?"

Beyhadh FF: I Fell In Love With A PsychoWhere stories live. Discover now