Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:


Maya pulled away when he licked her lips for the second time before he bit her lower lip hard enough to bruise as if he wanted to leave a mark on her to show them she's his and struggled to keep her breath even.

Maya looked at Arjun to find him losing conscious again to the fever but before he lost to his tiredness completely, she made him drink two sips of water..

Maya then pushed the front seats further and pushed back the back seats making space enough to sit comfortably in between the front and back seats...

She could not succumb to the need rising in her remembering how he kissed her hungrily.. Nope.. Not going there.. At least he swallowed the medicine...

She could not waste time in thinking about why he kissed or to drown in the depression of who did he think he was kissing in his fever delusions..

Maya checked again if the car is locked properly or not, not wanting to be even more vulnerable position than they were in. But left two windows very slightly lower since she didn't want it to be suffocating and smelly inside the car..

Maya looked again in her bag to find anything useful. There were only two towels and some tissues.

So Maya rolled one towel and put it on the one side of back seat, arranged it like a pillow and she helped Arjun to lean down and lay there. Then put the another towel around him like a blanket.

Maya knew rest and medicine would cure his fever..

She didn't know what else to do..

Arjun shivered in cold despite having the towel on him..

Maya cursed herself for not noting how Arjun must have suffered more when she made him follow her to all the water falls..

Maya then grabbed Arjun's bag from the front seat to see if there was anything in there to help him..

There was nothing in there that could be used in this situation except a shirt.

He must have a spare shirt since they were going to water sites. Maya took the shirt and made him wear it with a little difficulty as he was not cooperative. He was really heavy when she made him sit and Maya struggled for few minutes to put the extra shirt on him. Then again laid him down.

Before putting the towel on him again, Maya looked around to find anything useful..


If only she had worn a saree or chudi...

Then thought, why not her shirt...?

No other girl would've thought this or would do this in front of a man...


To Maya....

Arjun was everything....

So she pulled her shirt and was glad it was a jean shirt and not a cotton one. Then put it above him covering him and pulled the towel over him again.

After a while the shivering stopped and Arjun huddled into the back seat sleeping peacefully..

While Maya sat in the distance between the seats and leaned against the back of front seat watching Arjun.


After so long she had a chance to see Arjun this closely without any interruption. But she didn't want Arjun to have fever and suffer like this..

Maya hoped Arjun would get better next day so she could go to the nearby street or village so that Arjun could be checked by the doctor properly.

She didn't have any problem staying all night since she was insomniac anyway.
Maya watched him all through the night and occasionally adjusted the towel and shirt while rubbing his hands whenever he shivered..

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