#57 To Be Needed

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~ My Poems ~

To Be Needed...


Everyone always ask me if "I'm okay" but it just reminds me that I'm not. But do you know what I say each time? "Yeah. No, I'm fine."

Everyone always asks me "What's wrong with me" and that just reminds me that there's a ton of things wrong with me. But do you know what I say each time? "Nothing's wrong with me. I'm just a bit tired."

Everyone always ask me if I "need help" and that just reminds me that I need lots of help. From everyone, with everything. But do you know what I say each time? "No, I don't need help. I'm a lone wolf; I don't stray with the pack."

But you know what people don't ask me? People don't ask me if I want to be needed. I want to be needed. I want people to need me. But then that'll just remind me that I need people when they don't really need me. But do you know what I'd say? "Yes, I want to be needed. I want someone to tell me that if I walk out of their life like everybody else did mine that they'll die."

Whoever may be reading this, don't randomly come up to me and say that you need me when you clearly don't mean it. Don't say it just to simply make me happy. Because why say it if you're not going to follow through with it... Or if it's not true and never will be...?

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