#23 Unnoticed Chase

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(A/N: this is kind of how I feel to a certain person... so if you know me well -though it's not lots of people - listen to the message)


~ My Poems ~

Unnoticed Chase...


I run and run and run after a heart that doesn't know I'm here.

A heart that doesn't 'thump' as much as mine, I assume.

I am the agent to his criminal, a criminal I can't seem to catch.

I never asked for this,

To be hopelessly in love, if you can call it that.

I just wanted to be a normal kid living a normal life.

I didn't know that meeting new people would lead to anything close to this.

He brought the sparkle back to my once dull eyes, the smile back to my face, the joy back to my empty soul.

I'm not supposed to feel like this at age 13.

I'm not supposed to feel as if I need to see him everyday of my life, 24/7.

And it doesn't help much that he doesn't see what I see.

I told him how I feel,

I hardly got much of a response.

I don't know what to do about it.

I hardly even know what to say as I try to even write a fraction of this.

I guess I'll go now,

You can catch me around.

I'll be out chasing an oblivious heart all around town.

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