#53 Look How They Wait For You

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(A/N: I don't know where this came from, I just wrote whats on my mind. And i cant sleep so I'm a little mentally insane :-/...And this in the POV of a killer or murder type person.)


~ My Poems ~

Look How They Wait For You...


Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

The handcuffs sit there brightly,

Waiting just for you.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you,

You deserve to be in jail now,

For all the crimes you've committed.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

The people you've hurt,

They wish to kill you.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

The Gods are looking down,

Waiting for you to make the right choice.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

People were counting on you,

You let everyone down.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

All of the broken hearts

Waiting for yours to be broken.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

Your friends are hoping

That you'll become sane once again.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

The knives drip with blood;

You making another bad mistake.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

Another peer hanging from the bedside with a rope around their neck,

Because you've bullied hem day after day.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

All of the souls

You've ended up killing.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

Your parents waiting for you

To change for the better.

Oh but honey,

Look how they wait for you.

Another group of your gang

Waits for you to commit yet another murder.

Oh but honey...

Look how I wait for you.

No matter what harm you do,

I'll still be here, I'll still care.

Oh but honey...

Look how I wait for you.

I've never left,

And I never will.

Oh but honey...

Look how I wait for you.

I wish to leave you,

Though I cannot, he won't let me.

Oh but honey...

Look how I wait for you.

If you'll just look around and see,

I've never left because you're everything I've alwa-never wanted to be...

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