#80 Everything

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(A/N: it just sorta came to me...)



~ My Poems ~



Him: "What is the best thing in the world to you?"

Me: "Seeing you smile."

Him: "What drives you crazy? The good kind."

Me: "When you laugh at stupid things."

Him: "Um...okay. The person you like, what makes this person so special?"

Me: "The way he lights up the room when he walks through the doorway. The way his eyes shine when they meet mine. How he smiles at me which makes me get knocked off balance. And how he brought all of the colour back to my black and white 1800's TV show."

Him: He visibly blushes and clears his throat, fixing his leather jacket. "Okay, and who is this person?"

Me: "You."

Him: He pauses and doesn't meet my gaze. He shakes his head before repositioning the papers and going back to the questions. "Alright...um. Who do you trust most?"

Me: "You."

Him: "Who do yo care about most?"

Me: "You."

Him: "Who do you love most?"

Me: "Still you."

Him: He smiles small. "Who do you want to spend your life with?"

Me: "You."

Him: "There are rumours going about that you tend to look up at the stars every night. Is this true? And if so, why?"

Me: "It is true, Mace. I look up at the stars because I cry each night and I've been told that when I have the need to cry, to go look up at the stars, because y'know, to stop the tears."

Him: He looks up at me, concerned and worried eyes and all. How he often looks at me. "Why do you cry?"

Me: "Because...because I just can't seem to get over the fact that I'll never have you as my own... And you know what? Last night, I ended up counting the stars..."

Him: He sighs, takes off his hat and leans forward in his chair. "...Why is everything about me?"

Me: It's silent for a while and I just stare at him...studying him, you could say. His beautiful blue/grey eyes and how they sparkle. "Because you...are my everything..."

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