#120 Faith

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~ My Poems ~



if faith
leads to strength
and strength leads to power

is it
power over oneself
or power over others?

what is faith
no, what is faith really?
is it something we're not seeing?

or is it something really silly
maybe it's that thing
that comes with believing?

"faith is a toy
a mere myth
running amuck

a bottle is its home
it's capped tight
its sealed shut

the bottle is its home
and holds mystery
but no such luck"

for I have been searching
and searching
for a day with this "faith"

a day without hate
and a day without pain
a day where I can go back to being sane

so if faith
leads to strength
and strength leads to power

is it
"go ahead and search for it"
or is it more like "why bother"?


I haven't been on lately but I know that no one notices. I want to update my stories but I haven't felt the need to because no one reads my stories. But I'm back now, I guess. I haven't felt the desire to continue my old stories because I don't think they're developed enough. Blech. I know, I sound very posh. :( but anyways, I'm back. Okay, ditto

- JT

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