#35 Its Alright

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~ My Poems ~

It's alright...


Some people treat me like trash.

Some people act like I'm not here.

Some people know about my problems.

Some people look down on my with pity.

Some people are just like me but I don't know it.

Most people can't tell what I'm going through.

Most people can't see through my act.

Most people complain about the little things when they don't know how easy they have it.

Most people look at me as if I have it all, I don't.

Most people don't know that all of our lives we've been lied to.

But it's okay,

It's alright.

Because like every other time,

No one will see me breaking.

No one will hear me crying.

No one will sense my broken heart.

And eventually,

No one will feel me slowly fading away.

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