#103 I Wish I Knew

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(A/N: Ahh! It's Friday the 13th! Might go out with the lads, idk.)



~ My Poems ~

Wish Knew...

It's the little things you do,
That really drives me crazy.
And you told me that you care,
So it had me thinking, "Well, maybe-"

Maybe we could be together,
If only you'd give me hints.
Some signals that aren't mixed,
Signals that show that can win this.

You found out I had cut,
At school that one day.
Your fingers traced over the healed scars
And you said that it'll be okay.

You know I fancy you,
My friend told you I do.
You didn't really say anything,
You just smiled when I wanted you to say, "Me too."

We did this thing at school,
In art class.
It was about this future thing.
What we wish to happen and what will happen are two different things, I just wanted to laugh.

It happened on the same day that
She told you my feelings.
The lights were off
And I saw that at me you kept peeking.

"Imagine where you'll be
Ten years from now."
That's what the teacher was saying,
"To who will you say your wedding vows?"

And you kept on looking at me,
Does that mean you fancy me too?
I dunno,
But I just really wish I knew.

Maybe you'll tell me when school starts,
You'll tell me about your feelings for me.
Or maybe we'll just stay to being the "Best Buddies In The World,"
And maybe that's all we'll ever be...

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