#19 Rant

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~ My Poems ~



Sometimes it bothers me how you just do what you want, not caring about other peoples feelings. You just go about your day being the oblivious fool you are. You go out searching for love, when the one who truly loves you stands before you this very minute. How could you not see, you selfish dimwit? How could you just push me away when you know you need me? I see you staring at me in the hall and in the lunchroom, yet you say you don't fancy me anymore. I don't under stand you; you make me so confused. You make me want to just get away for a while so I can figure this whole thing out for myself, because no one seems to be helping me. This whole situation can't just work itself out; it needs a push. I can't do this alone; I need help. You can't make it out by yourself; you need me. You may think you're better off without me and I may think I'm better off without you, but no matter how hard I try and no matter how long I try to let go, I can't seem to forget all the words you said. I can't forget how in a couple of years you might not even know my first name. I can't forget how I know you won't remember when you said that I'm the only one who can make you smile when you're sad or down in the dumps. I can't forget the fact that later on you'll forget me through and through. I know for you it'll be like you never knew me, like I never existed. You make it look so easy, to forget someone that fast. How do you do it? Please, tell me your secret. I'd do anything to know the secret potion that hides itself from me. Anything just to be able to get over just yet another boy but a boy who's a mosquito; a mosquito I just can't seem to swat away from my heart.

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