#89 Broken

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~ My Poems ~



We met over the Internet,

So why am I so attached to you?

You don't fancy me like that,

Then why do I keep trying?

You never want to talk to me again

Then how come I won't stop fighting?

You care about me but not the way I want you to,

Then how come I can't disappear from your life?

We got on just fine,

But how come we can't find a way to speak to each other?

You never loved me,

Then how come I did?

You keep pushing me away,

Then how come I won't step back?

I'm not giving up on you,

But how come you are?

I'm staying here for you,

How come you're not staying here for yourself?

I'm dying inside,

How come I'm not already dead?

I wanna text you,

But I'm scared you won't reply.

And I'm afraid of what you will reply with if you do.

What would you say?

Please tell me,

Would you even reply?

Say something again.

You keep me here,

But I'm still kinda slipping away.

It's only been about three days,

But how come I'm being torn apart?

I'm not a piece of paper,

But I'm being ripped to shreds.

I'm not a skyscraper,

But I'm crashing to the ground.

I'm not a bulldozer,

But I'm knocking into walls.

And I'm certainly not a heart

...But I'm broken...

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