#105 Screw Off

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(A/N: Based off of mine and a used to be friends text messages)



~ My Poems ~

Screw Off...


HIM: "You know what fuck you okay I can't be friends with a lesbian anyway."

ME: Aww that's the nicest thing anything has ever said to me! Well thankz, I will. And you can just go jump off a cliff and I can care less if you die. You're a real asshole, a real jerk. Just stay the fuck out of my life. Stop textin me, stop talking to me, never acknowledge me because you think that you can always make everything better when all you do is make things worst! Just screw off alright!?

HIM: Fine you know I never really liked you it was just a bet from Grayson to see how long I could keep it up but looks like you were stupid enough to fall for it.

ME: Thankz, well it's great that I never even fell for your jerk ass face. Looks like you're the only one who's stupid here. And Grayson waaaaaay nicer than you'll ever be. And I hope that one day someone will break your heart just like how everybody broke mine so you can cry over people who never! Even! Mattered!

HIM: Well you mattered to me and right now I am crying my eyes out because my heart was broken more than you'll ever know so have fun with your lesbian girlfriend and your lesbian life.

ME: Just shut up! Just shut up, shut up, shut up!

HIM: Ok but remember your a L E S B I A N!!!!!!!!! Bye forever.

ME: You can't just say one thing then say another! You never cared about me! I get it now! So quit your foolish crying cuz I think I can feel them all the way from here! And if I ever even mattered to you --and I never did-- you would've never said the things you just did, Jonathon! Cry! Cry all you want! Learn from your consequences. Cuz you put me through hell so you can just go die in a hole. Ooh, I sure wish u die tomorrow.

HIM: Harsh J.T. but I said it because I'm letting you go, you said not to freak out so this is my cope.

ME: Yeah goodbye, Farrell, all that shit. Just stay the fuck away. Stop saying my name. Haha right! You suuuuure aren't freakin out. You keep believing that.

HIM: Ok I won't say the name u use to hide behind the true body that is in Jesus Christ.

And I didn't text back cuz I'm already in shambles and I have nothin else to say...

I just want him out of my life forever...

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