#14 Possessed

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~ My Poems ~



I don't know what it is.

But it's everywhere I go.

It's as if its following me,

Stalking me,

Haunting me.

The little eery voice whispers its way

Into my head,

Blocking out every other subconscious thought

That I dare to think.

It's taking over my head,

Telling me to do things I don't want to do.

I used to be this good girl

With good grades

And good thoughts.

Now I'm this bad girl

With bad grades

And bad thoughts.

I used to sing,

Now I rap and cuss.

I used to write stories and fantasies on paper,

Now I write graffiti on walls.

I used to dream fun and happy dreams,

Now all I dream of are nightmares and


I used to have good friends with good influences,

Now I have horrible friends that push me to do things.

As you can see,

I'm a totally different person.

I liked me the way I used to be.

I actually enjoyed being a kid.

Now all I care about is to help Satan and his

Demon dogs take over the Earth.

I don't like this,

Not one bit,

But I can't help it,

I'm possessed within.

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