Too Easy

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Toy Chica's Pov
   "I don't know, he's just acting... Weird... Less energetic, less happy, just less... Bonnie-like. Something's bothering him, I just know it." Chica's voice was a mix of confused and concerned. Her hands were clenched together in front of her tightly, and her pinkish-purple eyes stared at them. I laid a hand on her shoulder sympathetically.
   "I'm sure it's nothing, his arm is probably just bothering him. Or maybe he's worried about you. You did apparently get, like, possessed. I wouldn't blame him for being worried, especially since he is your boyfriend. Isn't he supposed to worry about you?" I comforted her the best way I could, but she still looked concerned. She nodded anyways though. I frowned to myself at her sad expression. "W-well, why don't you just go ask him about it? If he really is hiding something, you of all animatronics would be the one to get it out of him." Chica was still for a moment, and she remained silent, the only noise being the faint sounds of voices from the party room outside, and I thought I heard the faint sound of a guitar.
   "Yeah, okay. I guess I could try talking to him."
  "That's the spirit! Go get him, Chica!"
Chica's POV
   I tried to believe Toy Chica's words, but I was still having trouble actually believing that Bonnie was just acting the way he was because he was worried about me. Okay... Knowing him, he probably is really worried, but I don't think he would be acting funny just because of what happened to me.
   'He should be more worried about himself...' I thought, and I stopped leaning against the kitchen cupboard, and walked towards the kitchen doors, away from Toy Chica, who waved and said 'Seeya later girl!' as I walked. I waved back, giving an animatronic smile, before opening the kitchen doors, walking out, and shutting them behind me. Just to my luck, Bonnie was sitting on the show stage, plucking at the strings on his guitar, with his left hand, with a bored kind of look. I began walking over to him, but I avoided looking at his right arm, because I hated thinking that he might be in pain, even though deep down I knew he was. I stopped at his side, and he finally noticed me, looking up and smiling.
   'How am I supposed to start this conversation? I can't just be that one girlfriend that is constantly bothering their boyfriend! That would be even worse than how Bonnie's been acting... I'll just... Make something up...'
   "Hey, Bonnie! Is your um... Guitar out of tune or... Something...?" He stopped picking at the strings, looking at me, his ruby eyes meeting my pink eyes.
   "Oh. Just a little bit. I had never known 'till today that tunin' a guitar with one hand ain't quite so easy..." He chuckled as he spoke, and put his guitar off to the side. I sat next to him, then scooted as close to him as I could, pressing my side against his. He blushed, and wrapped what he had of his right arm around me.
   'God... This is making it very hard to accuse him of anything! Oh well... Here we go.'
   "... Hey, um... Bonnie... Are you... Are you hiding anything from me?" He frowned.
   "What would I have to hide from you?" Bonnie's eyes stared into mine, like he was trying to see into my soul, and see what this was all about.
   "I don't know, it's just..." I sighed.
   'What would he have to hide from me?'
   "Just what?" He looked genuinely concerned about me, which was ironic seeing as I went to him because I was worried about him. "Chica?"
   "You've just seemed a little out of it lately, you know?" I said.
"How so?" God, he is making this impossible...
   "You talk less, which I think everyone is starting to notice by the way, you seem to stand as little as possible, you're always yawning and-"
  "Yawning, I-I don't y-yawn all the time..."
   'Is it just me...? Or did he just... Stutter?' I thought. 'Only one way to find out. Provoke him!'
   "You were yawning all this morning!"
   "N-no... You must be imaginin' things er' somethin', cuz this bunny a-ain't gonna yawn even once!"
   'He did stutter! But, he never stutters unless he's lying... He is lying! He wouldn't lie without a good reason... I should find out why he is lying... Be direct, Chica, you can get it out of him!'
   "... You're lying to me... Aren't you?" He fell silent for a moment, his jaw hanging open, and his purple ears still, his eyes locked on mine, but he quickly composed himself, shutting his jaw and looking away with a guilty expression.
   "I... I guess I am... The truth is... I've just been so worried about alla' this. When I heard that you got... Possessed... I just, I'm afraid it'll happen again, and... I don't want you to have to go through things like that..."
   'Oh. My god. I can't believe Toy Chica was right!'
   "Oh. Well... Stop doing that."
   "What? I can't just stop worrying..."
   "Too bad. You are officially unworried!"
   "I don't think that's how it works..."
   "Too bad. I'm fine now, so don't worry." He fell silent, and looked down at the floor.
   'Am I overdoing this? Maybe I should stop nagging him...' I thought. Bonnie suddenly started laughing quietly.
   "Okay, whatever you say. I'm officially 'unworried'."
   'Wait... This talk actually worked? No... This is too easy...'
   "Yeah, why not! You're sitting right by my side now, and you're perfectly fine, so I guess I really do have nothing to worry about." I felt relief swell up inside of me, but I couldn't help but feel a bit of doubt too. It couldn't possibly be this easy.
   "Thank Scott... I don't want you worrying over me." I had a feeling he heard the doubt in my voice, because he frowned again.
   "... Good, because there will be no more worrying whatsoever! Wait... Who's Scott?" I opened my mouth to respond, then closed it awkwardly.
   'Who is Scott?' I honestly had no idea who Scott was, or why in heck I had said that.
   "I... Honestly have no clue." Bonnie chuckled.
   "Huh. Oh well. Thank Scott I guess. Whoever that is."
   "Heh, yeah. Alright, well I guess I should go back to the kitchen... Toy Chica and I have to finish making dinner for everyone."
   "Okay, love you." I smiled when he said that he loved me, and hugged him, then stood up.
   "I love you too Bonnie." I walked back to the kitchen doors, opening them and going into the kitchen, then shutting them behind me. Toy Chica was still sitting on the counter beside the oven, where a few pizzas were cooking, producing a nice, cheesy smell. She was now reading a book, titled 'Bluestar's Prophecy', with a drawing of what looked like a bluish-gray cat. I sighed, and she put the book down, smiling.
   "So, how did it go?"
   'It was too easy.'
   "It went great."

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