Or Maybe Not.....

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Chica's POV
   "Do you like him back?" Freddy's question took me by surprise. I had never really thought about liking any boy. My thoughts darted back to all the times Bonnie had been there fowa me. I even remembered a small moment from 87'.
Flashback: (No one's POV)
   "Just l-l-look at me... I'm hideous..." Chica said to another chicken animatronic, she had aqua eyes, purple eye shadow and bright pink cheeks, her bib saying 'Let's Party!' instead of 'Let's Eat!'. The chicken shook her head, obviously disagreeing.
   "I wasn't joking when I said I didn't think you were ugly, Chica." She sighed and got up, then started walking away. "I think you need to realize that, not just have others realize it for you." She left the room. Chica sat alone fowa second, curled what was left of her arms around her knees and began crying.
   "Chica?" A glitchy voice called out her name. "Are you o-okay Chica?" Bonnie's faceless head poked through the doorway. He saw me and immediately ran slightly lopsidedly over to me, his endoskeleton foot slowing him a little. He dropped onto his knees and hugged me with his only arm. "What happened?!"
   "O-other than me b-b-being hideous, n-n-nothing..." Chica's voice glitched more than usual because she was upset. "How can you st-st-stand to even l-l-look at m-me?" Chica started to say more, but Bonnie had moved his endoskeleton hand over her mouth, shushing her.
   "Chica, you aren't hideous. Quite the opposite in fact. I think you're beautiful." All the time Bonnie had been talking, his voice didn't glitch once. He hugged her again, and she hugged him back this time. "I wonder the same thing sometimes, so don't feel alone."
:Flashback ends (Goes back to Chica's POV)
   I knew now, I do like Bonnie.
   "Chica!!! Earth to Chica!" Freddy's voice surprised me a little. I saw Freddy's hand waving in front of my face. I pushed it away. All I could think about now was how oblivious I had been all these years. I dragged my knees in front of my face to hide it.
   "How did I not ever realize?" I said, and I was starting to tear up when Foxy walked in.
   "I don't know, it's pretty obvious that he likes ye, it always has been." Foxy said, obviously having seen what happened between Bonnie and I. A tear slides down my face.
   "Not helping, Foxy!" Freddy said angrily. He sighed. "Maybe he wasn't as obvious about it as someone says." I know he's just trying to cheer me up, I'm not a fool, but I try to let his words comfort me anyway. It doesn't work. I start to full on cry.
Freddy takes this as a signal to leave.
   "We'll give you some alone time." I saw him facepalm Foxy as he walked by him to give him the message to leave as well.
   "Wow. That fox is really unsympathetic." I jumped to my feet at the sound of an empathetic voice.
   "Oh, it's you." I look at Toy Bonnie. "I had forgotten you were in here" Suddenly my eyes widen. "You heard all of that, didn't you?" He didn't answer right away, but after a few seconds, he responded.
   "Every word. I'm sorry about what happened with Bonnie, although he should have given you some warning that he was going to kiss you." He looked at me sympathetically. "I was just gonna leave as well. You seem like you need the alone time." He walked out. I almost called him back, the last thing I wanted right now was to be alone, but the only animatronic I wanted to see right now was Bonnie, yet I had just embarrassed him in front of Freddy and Foxy. I sat in the dark alone, crying out my stupidity, until I was interrupted.
   "I thought you left, Toy Bonnie." I look up, and to my surprise and amazement, Bonnie is standing there. "Bonnie? I thought you wouldn't want to ever see me again!"
   "I'd die if I never saw you again." I almost laughed in disbelief, but then I realized he was being serious. "I love you Chica, I have fowa long time, and nothing will ever change that." He looked down. "I know now that you don't like me the way I like you, but I understand. I just don't want that to change our friendship." He opened his mouth again to say more, but was interrupted by me kissing him. I think I surprised myself almost as much as I surprised him. After a few seconds, I broke off the kiss and hugged him.
"I think we're a little more than friends."

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